Biden Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battallion – IOTW Report

Biden Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battallion


The Ukrainian military’s Azov Division is famous for promoting Nazism and Nazi symbols.

Back in 2019, 40 Democrats signed a letter saying they condemned the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine.

Kanekoa The Great dug up this letter from 2019.

On October 16, 2019, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee’s counterterrorism subpanel, Rep. Max Rose (NY), led a letter signed by forty Democrats asking the State Department why they had not placed Ukraine’s Azov Battalion on the U.S. list of “foreign terrorist organizations” (FTOs).

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12 Comments on Biden Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battallion

  1. So does this mean they’re going to stop calling conservatives nazis?
    They’ll need a new name now.
    Can’t have us being called what their little pals in Ukraine are.

  2. Apparently a lot of things in life change 180 degrees from their former selves.

    We once were allies of Russia during WWII, and combined with Britain to put down the Nazi beast. Then Russia/USSR dropped out of the communist butchers league, and became more-or-less a freer-market supposedly capitalist country with a highly religious Christian population. The result is we had a so-called peace dividend in the 1990’s remember? Spent on what, I don’t know. Maybe more weapons.

    Now the Western leaders see semi-free enterprise Russia as a big threat, and are arming Neo-Nazi thugs to kill Russians.

    Wars and rumors of wars.


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