Biden on Vacation 25% of the Time Yet Doesn’t Have Enough “Free Time” – IOTW Report

Biden on Vacation 25% of the Time Yet Doesn’t Have Enough “Free Time”

National Pulse

Joe Biden has spent 95 of his 348 days President on vacation, mostly in Delaware. That equates to a quarter of the Biden regime’s first year in office, at the time of writing, being spent doing anything other than being President during one of the most crisis-ridden times in modern human history. More

Press Secretary Jen Psaki, meanwhile, claims Biden has no “free time” to even think. Watch

20 Comments on Biden on Vacation 25% of the Time Yet Doesn’t Have Enough “Free Time”

  1. After tying his shoes, finding the elevator, remembering where his office is, asking all staff members to remember “bring your daughter to work day” (and to borrow a daughter if they don’t have any, preferably about nine years old), all that time it takes to find a pen that works before remembering you have to take the cap off first, then the morning pudding break, then change your diaper time, then finding somebody to show you again how your ergonomic chair works and then spinning around in it going Wheee! for a little while, then having the same hassle trying to get your Happy Meal open for lunch, then it’s nap time, then change your diaper time again, I mean it just goes on and on and on. No wonder Joey Stools doesn’t have any free time.

  2. They “never give him any time to think, and that is probably true.” (Jen Psaki)

    When you’re demented, you need more time to do anything than most people – other than caregivers – will give you. But the Presidency is “schedule- driven,” so, we can do the math…

    It’s Joe Biden’s White House Nursing Home with “memory care.”

  3. The vaudeville clown does spend much time trying to hide the fact that the dark-web terrorist democrats stole an election and stuck a child molesting race-hating fraud and crook-bum in the peoples’ white house to destroy our nation with scams, schemes, communist policies, cruel abuses, and the long-con.

  4. “…during one of the most crisis-ridden times in modern human history.”

    …that’s because the “crisis”…ALL of them…were deliberately created and are purposely maintained by the Democrats, were used to illegitimately usurp the White House for him, and are used every day to push us ever further into totalitarian control.

    That’s why it’s not important where he is during a crisis.

    They were created for his benefit.

    And when he DOES do something about them, it’s only to make them WORSE.

    …all by design…

  5. Bob M JANUARY 7, 2022 AT 3:45 AM
    “Delaware is one of those shithole blue states. Only Slowjoe is dumb enough to “vacation” there!”

    …it’s actually a pretty good deal and not a shithole at all.

    For HIM.

    …he has a palatial estate at no cost to him provided by corruption and tax dollars, surrounded by walls he denies to everyone else, protected by men carrying weapons he denies to everyone else, insulated far from prying eyes and questioning peasants where he has only the finest foods brought to him to eat and the youngest girls brought to him to rape, with the hoipolli kept too far back to even hear the screams.

    …no, Joe doesn’t feel the shithole at all.

    Those who create them never do.

  6. Joey Lightfoot Biden
    I need time to think
    I need time to think
    I need time to think
    I need time to think
    I need time to think
    I need time to think
    I need time to think
    I need time to think

  7. Of course he has no free time. If you were surrounded by people giving, you orders, constantly telling you where to go, what to say and NOT say, what to think, what to do, turning you into a mind-addled slave to your handlers, you wouldn’t have any free time either. Because at no time would you be free.

    For once, Jen is right, but for the wrong reason.

  8. The great white Obama 2.0 Joe is finishing what his boss couldn’t.
    Remember how much time Barak spent on the golf course while his handlers prepared his agenda.
    It doesn’t matter who as a Democrat progressive gets elected they are all reset globalist.
    And only a few conservative Republicans would actually fight for America.

  9. Joe WHO?…….

    OHHHH…THAT Joe! WHEW!!!…Jeez…I thought you were talking about that OTHER Communist who arrested, accused, imprisoned and tortured, without trial, his own people who spoke up against his gov’ment and its dark-alley vote manipulators.

  10. No President spent more time or the public’s money on golf outings than Trump. 50% of Trump’s time as President was on vacation. His/Trump’s briefings, you better bring pictures, he doesn’t know how to read.

  11. Anonymous — you are so full of horse-shit, that we would need a Hercules to clean out your stables.
    Trump worked his butt off, every fucking day.

    No wonder you are afraid to write under your own name — hope that you are enjoying your $4 gas, and the boots continually stomping on your face.

  12. He worked his butt off, cry cry, sniffle sniffle, more time on “his” golf course than any President in American history. Work is not is vocabulary, but lying & spreading fake news is. I need another Bigly Mac & QuarterPounder w/cheese.


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