Biden Says Brittney Griner On Way Home After He Released Arms Dealer Viktor Bout – IOTW Report

Biden Says Brittney Griner On Way Home After He Released Arms Dealer Viktor Bout

Is anyone in jail in America for cannabis? Shouldn’t they be let out?


It is official. Brittney Griner is being released by Russia in exchange for arms dealer Viktor Bout. President Joe Biden announced on Twitter, “Moments ago I spoke to Brittney Griner. She is safe. She is on a plane. She is on her way home.”

CBS News reported: “CBS News learned early Thursday from a U.S. official. The one-for-one exchange agreement negotiated with Moscow in recent weeks was given final approval by President Biden within just the last week, according to sources familiar with the deal. The swap, first reported by CBS News, took place on Thursday in the United Arab Emirates.”

“Five former U.S. officials told CBS News the agreement had been reached as of last Thursday. A White House official said President Biden was in the Oval Office Thursday morning on the phone, speaking with Griner, and her wife Cherelle Griner, and Vice President Kamala Harris were also in the room. Per standard procedure for freed U.S. prisoners, Griner was expected to quickly undergo a medical evaluation,” the outlet added.


32 Comments on Biden Says Brittney Griner On Way Home After He Released Arms Dealer Viktor Bout

  1. What about this guy?

    Anonymous ^^^^^ nailed it. This guy is white, straight, had the dope for medical reasons, AND had the documentation to prove it was prescribed by a physician. Not a peep from our government. no attempts to get him out.

    Read the story. it will sicken you that our government traded a person who actually harms other people for a basketball player who hates this country.

    Excuse me while i throw up……

  2. “She” will undergo a medical evaluation upon return to US. Hope they don’t waste money on a gynecologist; the money would be better spent on long overdue real psychiatric care.

  3. I’m sorry to say this but fuck this government then. you trade an America hating lesbian traitor for an arms dealer who has so much blood of innocent people on his hands all the bleach in the world want get rid of , if that’s the case let China, Russia, and the rest just get rid of this place it’s not worth saving anymore. it’s sad such a thing must be said.

  4. Just another example of public relations (propaganda) for the sheeple. Disgusting to some and pleasing others.

    With only seventy-five years experience I’ve neither the knowledge or the experience to know if recovery from the current “administration is possible.

    No amount of memes or articles can convey the emotions of the last three years.

  5. I’m serious when I say that I hope with all my heart that this just released Russian arms dealer leads to the imminent death of the just announced “Time’s person of the year”

  6. “Griner was expected to quickly undergo a medical evaluation”

    …better have it done by Mike Obama’s “Gynecologist”.

    Otherwise there will be a few surprises on the pelvic exam part.

  7. Anonymous
    DECEMBER 8, 2022 AT 9:37 AM
    Black ✅
    Lesbian ✅
    Druggie ✅

    …and your next Supreme Court justice.

    With 51 votes, the Democrats cannot be stopped if they DO.

  8. Mark December 8, 2022 at 10:00 am
    “I’m sorry to say this but…”

    Kinda feel the same way. But, I really consider these types as “Stupid Americans-in-name-only”, or “SAINO”, as they are doing everything Russia and China would probably do to destroy Our Country, except these American-haters are doing it for free, while the rest of us pay for it.

    But, Americans can never give up. There are just too many non-SAINO Americans waking up at this point, just like our parents, grand parents, on back did who dealt with similar challenges.

    Unfortunately, it seems, that they always leave a few leftovers just to keep us busy way after their generations depart this Earth.

  9. This cunt is gonna get a pussy-hat ticker-tape parade down Madison Avenue with large fat-assed black women twerking, trannies in drag, screeching harlots, the whole lot…
    She’s a national hero…get your barf bags in large supplies handy

  10. I’m glad I don’t watch tv, because I’m sure she will be hailed as a “hero” and she’ll be on more talk shows than I can shake a stick at. Pisses me off because she’ll be set for life for all her future interviews and cameos.

  11. Arms merchant… arms merchant… golly darn it, arms merchant… dude’s just an off the books salesman for the arms industry right? What crime has he committed? How it it a crime to buy weapons from manufacturers and sell them to anxious customers? It may be that he’s getting the arms from the ‘wrong’ manufacturers but dag nab it a little friendly persuasion and he’ll be back selling US made weapons… just like the US government. How ’bout those free samples the government left in Afghanistan? Those ought to pump sales a lot!
    Trading an anti American ball bouncer for a genuinely productive member of the international business community is a service to the world, and a terrific and cheap virtue signal to the alphabet jerkoffs here at home. It’s a win win!

  12. biteme didn’t visit the southern border when in AZ because there are “more important things going on”
    trading a dude impersonating a lesbian for an arms dealer is obviously more important

  13. Brent-Knee released just in time for the passing of the “Respect For Marriage Act” bill. Timing is everything for the illegal Xiden Administration.

    The prisoner swap probably was approved way before the traitorous, gender bender was sent to a Russian penal colony. The leftist media lies and she/he never suffered harsh treatment.

    Yeah, Brent-Knee will be on every leftard news outlet and entertainment program spouting the LGTBQIA2S agenda ad nauseum and how wonderful the Xiden Administration has been. However, in reality billions of American taxpayer funds were possibly used to pay the Russians as part of the exchange for an arms dealer.

    More than likely, she/he learned nothing from this experience.
    Yet, God is merciful letting this very radical leftist traitor an undeserved return to the United States.

  14. Some Woman host on Canadian Radio actually asked, “Why would Russia want this guy back?”

    A Russian Arms Dealer freed during a war & this talk show host can’t figure it out….. Good Diversity Hire 640AM in Toronto. IDIOT!


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