JUST THE NEWS: The ‘bold new set of policies’ includes hundreds of billions in new government spending.
Joe Biden this week revealed that progressive senator Elizabeth Warren, along with labor unions, helped craft the economic policy he intends to put in place if he wins the White House in November.
The admission, which Biden made in a fundraising email for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, offers further evidence of the presumptive Democratic nominee’s leftward lurch as the November election draws nearer.
“I am grateful to so many ― including my friend Elizabeth Warren, labor unions, and other progressive partners for their help in putting together this bold new set of policies aimed at healing our economy and ensuring good, dignified jobs for American workers,” Biden said in the email.
Citing what he said was “Donald Trump’s egregious mismanagement of the public health and economic crises,” Biden wrote that there “has never been a more important moment to reinvest in good-paying jobs for workers across our country.” more here
what? … no credit to Bernie?
Comrade Bernie’s been out there for days bragging about how he has crafted the ‘Biden Plan’ … one more kick in the ass for Bernie … smiling all the way, while he gets another car & lake home
hey, Bernie Bro’s & Ho’s … how’s all that (continually) being dumped on by Comrade Bernie workin’, ya dumb phucks?
Sounds like Trump was responsible for most of it. Lol. He had eight Freaken years.
Well, Bernie is president of antifa and blm. So there’s that.
I thought Lizzie was giving up her Senate seat and moving back to Oklahoma to start her new empire…..because she’s a Mook/Cherokee/Iroquois with Black feet and high cheek bones….
Edit: I meant Creek and not a Mook or did I?….maybe Malook? It fits….
Fauxcahontas sure is an angry, screaming hag – the epitome of a leftist ‘woman’.
“I am grateful to so many ― ‘Because I sure as hell am not capable of doing so!’ Finished it for him.
If an Indian threatens to kick your ass, the best response is “Huron”.
Is Mook short for Mohawk?
Yeah, creepy Uncle Joe needs the support so he will do anything to get support from anywhere
“Biden says Fauxcahontas and labor unions helped craft his economic policy”
and that is supposed to be the best selling point of his policy?
does he and his campaign handlers even understand politics????
so now beads and wampum will replace the fed reserve notes we now trade with???
He left out China’s help in crafting his economic policy.
Timbuktu….nah, Mook is italian slang for idiot and is a shortened version of Malook which is slang for motherfucker….