Biden *White House cries foul after New York Times editorial board rebukes overuse of executive orders – IOTW Report

Biden *White House cries foul after New York Times editorial board rebukes overuse of executive orders


The left-wing New York Times editorial board supported President Biden’s campaign and celebrated his victory, but mild criticism of his spate of executive actions drew a rebuke from Biden’s communications director Thursday morning.

Chummily headlined, “Ease up on the Executive Actions, Joe,” the editorial board admonished him against relying too heavily on executive orders. Biden has signed dozens since taking office last week, addressing issues from climate change to coronavirus to overseas abortions to cancelling the Keystone Pipeline.

“But this is no way to make law,” the board wrote. “A polarized, narrowly divided Congress may offer Mr. Biden little choice but to employ executive actions or see his entire agenda held hostage. These directives, however, are a flawed substitute for legislation. They are intended to provide guidance to the government and need to work within the discretion granted the executive by existing law or the Constitution … [T]hey are not meant to serve as an end run around the will of Congress. By design, such actions are more limited in what they can achieve than legislation, and presidents who overreach invite intervention by the courts.” more

*Election was stolen.

China Virus.

12 Comments on Biden *White House cries foul after New York Times editorial board rebukes overuse of executive orders

  1. They’re not laws. They are fiat by an invalid who wasn’t elected and is being manipulated by the real power and who are personally invested, hopelessly conflicted, in the industries that compete against oil and gas.

    Conservative judges should be locking this shit up in court yesterday.

    A President can’t just close a business.

    Next Republican President: EO to ban Planned Parenthood. That’s how it works right? They can go abort kids in China. Shut down marijuana clinics. Seize the assets of the Southern Povertly Law Center. Declare the NY Times misinformation, shut them down and arrest their staff for criticizing the government.

    If a President can just close down a specific business or industry, any lender should require political risk insurance to do business in the US.

  2. The USA does not have a president now. The USA has a dictator placed in power via coup d’etat, and supported by an illegitimate and immoral junta. This dictator rules by fiat.

    Welcome to Italy in the 1930s, but now the trains don’t run on time. Flash is gone.

  3. Asking Trump why he caused every ill that befell mankind was the proper way for the media to act.

    Suggesting that Biden be a little more judicious in his actions is overstepping the bounds of propriety.


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