Bidenomics on Full Display – IOTW Report

Bidenomics on Full Display

Red State

Joe Biden wants you to know how thankful you should be for his leadership, and he appeared in South Carolina on Thursday to promote “Bidenomics.” In doing so he battled the podium, the teleprompter, and the truth. More

8 Comments on Bidenomics on Full Display

  1. Zerohedge had an article that Google analytics show searches about the closest pawn shop picking up in Jan and now are at an all time high. Signs of bidenomics working.

  2. It’s not funny anymore. What the left and the swamp have in store for us is deadly serious. The FBI, CIA and the military’s mission is not against foreign enemies, but against YOU AND I.

  3. Joe needs MOAR procedures. He looks too old.

    Joe’s too old for president,
    too old for president,
    charge Hunter no rent.

    Joe’s poop just ran down his leg,
    poop just ran down his leg,
    it clean off … his smeg.

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