Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Is Far From Over – IOTW Report

Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Is Far From Over

Blue State Conservative: In August, we watched in horror, disgust, and embarrassment as the Biden plan to end the twenty-year American involvement in Afghanistan unfolded. From the premature withdrawal of our troops, allowing the Taliban to assume control, the abandonment of billions of dollars of military equipment, closing the only American-controlled airstrip, and leaving countless Americans behind, the plan was a failure on every page. Amazingly, the Biden team tied every failure back to Trump while spinning the debacle into the greatest airlift of Americans and allies of all time.

The ghastly scene of Afghans clinging to an American plane as it was taxiing to take off was emblematic of the disaster created by Biden and his staff. The airlift was a two-headed monster. On the one hand, we had planes full of unvetted and undocumented Afghans escaping the now Taliban-controlled country. 

On the other hand, we had Americans prevented from leaving and an administration that refused to assess the remaining Americans accurately. We are now four months out from the events of Kabul, and the results are still vague. The topic is rarely mentioned during press briefings, and the Defense and State Department are silent on updates. You have to dig deep to find news reports, but the ones you can uncover are disturbing. more here

6 Comments on Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Is Far From Over

  1. The left wouldn’t leave Trump alone for anything however fake it was. Impeach, impeach, impeach! Everything Biden has done should be front and center especially in political ads. The fake news is that he has done a great job!


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