Biden’s blunder apologizing to Macron angers another US ally – IOTW Report

Biden’s blunder apologizing to Macron angers another US ally


By Thomas Lifson

I was pretty harsh yesterday, criticizing Scranton Joe’s first day of his European tour, calling it a “clown show.” Not that the legacy media would even hint at that.  But it turns out that I wasn’t critical enough.

It seems that when Biden sought to soothe French President Macron’s anger over stealing away a big submarine-building contract that had Australia spending close to 20 billion dollars on French submarines, he gave no thought to the insult he was delivering to Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison. It was bad enough that Biden admitted being totally out of the loop on a major deal affecting two close allies. Now, both of them are angered. MORE

9 Comments on Biden’s blunder apologizing to Macron angers another US ally

  1. You have to be very smart and able to think on your feet to spin a web of conceit. Bitme is neither. Slick Willy on the other hand was a maestro.

    Live a lie and you live to regret it.


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