Biden’s EPA Certifying Monitors of Methane from Space – IOTW Report

Biden’s EPA Certifying Monitors of Methane from Space

Just the News

The [new EPA] rules contain a “super-emitter” program that authorizes third-parties to receive certifications to monitor large methane emitters using various technologies, including satellites.

Shortly before the rules were published, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), with support from Google and using a rocket from Elon Musk’s SpaceX, launched a satellite that will report data on methane emissions it detects. According to Inside Climate, MethaneSAT, as it’s called, orbits the Earth every 95 minutes at a height of 326 miles above the surface. It scans an area 125 miles wide on each pass over the planet, looking for high methane concentrations. More

28 Comments on Biden’s EPA Certifying Monitors of Methane from Space

  1. Agriculture & Energy Sector are the highest source of Methane Gas on the planet.

    Followed by Joey & Mooch’s Asses.

    The Plan is Population Reduction & De-Industrialization.

    That’s it. EOS

  2. Tide flats all over the planet produce all the organic methane you could possibly want. Land fills, also. Next up, inorganic methane from thousands of surface and subsea volcanoes.

    I love carbon.

  3. Too bad they didn’t have that technology thousands of years ago when the earth was completely covered with flatulating animals, no evil energy corporations to tap the natural gas belching from the ground, and no forest-fire fighters.

  4. I’ve been taking Probiotics for a few Weeks….I Fart with every step I take…

    I have to be careful not to “unbiden” Myself though…Farts are just Air

    Passed through Sh*t….and remember My Friends …Smell is Particulate.

  5. Beans, beans the musical fruit, the more you eat the more you toot. The more you eat the better you feel, let’s have beans for every meal. Paging Mr. Taggart from Blazing Saddles. Or we could just get the French to fart in their general direction and it would probably smell like limburger, a really stinky French cheese.

  6. Someone please tell me how methane from outer space is going to get thru the Earth’s atmosphere without burning up. And isn’t Erf day coming sometime this month? Maybe they’ll make a real stinkeroo of a new scifi movie called The Farts Came from Outer Space. If a Martian farts on Mars can only the dumbass progtards smell it.

  7. I read a news story back in the 1990’s about how propane is used extensively in Mexico City for cooking, hot water, and I suppose heating when necessary. The companies that installed the propane tanks would intentionally not tighten the fittings fully, so for most installations about half the propane leaked away while the rest went to the intended use. This allowed the propane companies to sell more product and make more profit.

  8. Methane doesn’t hang around when it’s released. Weighs about half what air does so it rises pretty fast. Gets up on top of the atmosphere into the strong UV from the sun and gets torn apart.

  9. Before they launch MethaneSAT, why dont these fart sniffers tell us how many BTUs* of methane were released when Russia (right) blew up its own gas pipeline. You’d think they’d be dying to tell us cause that would seal the deal against Russia and give them the excuse to start WW3

    And why isnt Greta going on TV to yell “How Dare You!” at the Russians for despoiling the water and air right next to her homeland!!? Im telling you something is rotten in the state of Denmark ;-D


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