The 24-year-old has found love with the hot 72-year-old grandpa.

I’m sure if he were the produce manager at the Piggly Wiggly, she would fall all over Gramps.
Jordon Hudson is a fame and fortune digger. Belichick has to cart her around. Is it worth it to look like a dope? Some men would say, “Yes.”
Here’s the bright side. They have a lot in common- they both are using one another.
just find a girl with the far away eyes
Maybe she just finished reading “Ascending in Politics”, by Kamala Harris.
The oldest profession…
It does look bad, what with Bill at 72 and Jordon at 24 he’s THREE times her age. But let’s think positively! In 24 years, he’ll be 96 and she’ll be 48, so Bill will be only TWICE as old. 🙄
Talk about robbing the cradle. She’s young enough to be his granddaughter. Good grief, Bill act your age and get an older more mature lady to boink if you can still get it up.
It certainly not her rack that reeled him in. She must have talents of some kind or other. 😎
What a creep. My father would have plummeted the 72 year old if I had pulled a stunt like this at 24.
Haters. Have you looked at her options among the men at her age? She looks pretty smart to me.
Good thing he don’t know ’bout ME.
So would most other fathers, they would put a kibosh on that kind of foolishness really quick. What kind of father or grandfather would want a temporary son in law who might be the same age or a little younger than he is.
Cleveburg here – While you cannot deny his success as a head coach, he had the personality of a baked-bean sandwich. Nobody like him… period! I think he’s mellowed out a bit now that he’s an old man, but if dementia sets in I’m betting he’ll turn mean.
…maybe she likes him because he’s one of the few people on Earth that can afford Taylor Swift tickets for her without getting a loan first, so theres that…
He: I remember when I won my first Super Bowl in 2002. Did you watch sports then?
She: Well, I was 2, so no…
Half of her friends are on only fans.
Gold Digger
Y’all are jealous. At 72, if I was boning that, I’d probably be a happy camper in his place. She’s probably great in the sack and that’s why Bill tagged her.
No doubt Bill is a heavy investor of Blue pills…
Maybe that’s whut made him the dick that he is today!
Bill Belichick Looks Like a Fool With His “New Girlfriend”. Yeah but she looks like a million bucks
I swear. some men lose their everlovin’ minds when they get older trying to prove they’re still virile.
She is twice as old as Epstein’s girls.
So there that.
WEDNESDAY, 19 JUNE 2024, 9:57 AT 9:57 AM
“She is twice as old as Epstein’s girls.
So there that.”
…and 3 times as old as Pedo Joe prefers, and 4 times older than Muslims require a bride to be…
WEDNESDAY, 19 JUNE 2024, 9:56 AT 9:56 AM
Bill Belichick Looks Like a Fool With His “New Girlfriend”. Yeah but she looks like a̶ HIS million bucks
̶O̶s̶c̶a̶r̶ ̶W̶i̶l̶d̶e̶ BILL BELECHICK was seated next to ̶a̶n̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶g̶a̶n̶t̶ A YOUNG lady at a dinner party. The conversation became animated and contesting, and W̶i̶l̶d̶e̶ BELECHICK asked the women if she would go to bed with him for one million p̶o̶u̶n̶d̶s̶ DOLLARS.
The woman was flustered, but upon consideration said Yes, she probably would.
W̶i̶l̶d̶e̶ BELECHICK then asked if she would go to bed with him for five s̶h̶i̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶s̶ DOLLARS.
The woman exclaimed indignantly, “Of course not! What kind of woman do you think I am?”
W̶i̶l̶d̶e̶ BELECHICK replied: “We’ve already established that, madam. Now we’re just haggling over the price.”
She’ll be pregnant within a year (possibly by the pool boy, but Bill won’t know that) and be set for life.
Did she sign a pre- nup? Bet not.
Not quite as blatant as the Anna Nicole Smith wedding, but still a little tacky. The rule of thumb is 1/2 your age plus seven years.
How many of you just did the math in your heads? 🙂
Merry Poppet
WEDNESDAY, 19 JUNE 2024, 10:55 AT 10:55 AM
“She’ll be pregnant within a year (possibly by the pool boy”
So maybe all of the credit should go to Tom Brady .. or maybe Bellichick just lost his sh*t when his Patriots took a nose dive last year
“personality of a baked-bean sandwich” -Harry
Depends on the baked beans. (Or baked beans on the Depends!)
In a related story, did you hear about the Mormom who was accused of going down on his wife
Seems that his standing in the community has taken a nose dive
Money is the only true aphrodisiac
“When you have money & power, they let you grab them by the pussy…”
“I started a joke;
that got the whole world laughing …”
“I’d sure let a girl like that make a fool outta me …”
Looks attract horny men and money attracts whores.
Anna Nicole Smith… I don’t think they ever got the casket completely closed on her!
WEDNESDAY, 19 JUNE 2024, 12:52 AT 12:52 PM
“Looks attract horny men and money attracts whores.”
Women are sex objects, men are success objects.
Wow, lotta commenting on this one. All I can say is Hg Mercury. Difference between atmospheric pressure and the sealed system. How large, and for how long? Some relatively slow music for a rhythm guide and presto! All good.
Jim’s got a point.
Today’s soyboys….
I didn’t say he shouldn’t have banged her. He looks like an idiot “keeping her.”
Rule #1 – Don’t fall for the whore.
She has no rack. And it looks like she only has half a pinion. And she kinda homely.
But Bill still looks stupid.
“I used her,
she used me.
Neither one cared.
We were getting our share.”
Night Moves – Bob Seger
The rule that defines creepy is that you divide the man’s age in half and add seven years. If he is seventy, you add seven years to thirty-five. If she is forty-two or older, it’s not too creepy. Under forty-two, it’s creepy.
Don’t BUY young bimbos: RENT them.
U H8ers are just jealous.
I’d fire a couple hundred mgs Viagra in, take a nice shower, probably rip the shower curtain down getting out, and bang her like a screen door.
This setup just makes me think he’s GAY.
And a loser
Handsome Pornstar
Well if you look like Bill it would be the most disgusting 78 seconds of her life. LOL
Nowut Ameen DAM I was thinking about that song too, we must be about the same age.
this is the other song that came to mind Annie Robinette Hanging on
She’s quite good a local artist plays in Bristol TN/VA a lot