Bill Clinton Pushes Back, Says Hunter Biden Pardon ‘Not Comparable’ to His Decision to Pardon Half-Brother Roger – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Pushes Back, Says Hunter Biden Pardon ‘Not Comparable’ to His Decision to Pardon Half-Brother Roger

Gateway Pundit

Bill Clinton defended his decision to pardon his half-brother Roger Clinton, drawing a sharp contrast to Biden’s recent pardon of his son, Hunter Biden.

Speaking at the New York Times DealBook Summit on Wednesday, Clinton highlighted that his brother had served time and contributed to justice before receiving a pardon, a nuance that, he implies, did not apply in Hunter Biden’s case.

Clinton pardoned Roger Clinton during his presidency after his half-brother had already served time for a 1985 conviction on drug charges. Roger, then in his 20s, had pleaded guilty to conspiring to distribute cocaine and spent 14 months in federal prison.

Bill Clinton emphasized that the pardon was intended to restore his brother’s rights as a citizen, notably the right to vote, which had been stripped due to his felony status. more

3 Comments on Bill Clinton Pushes Back, Says Hunter Biden Pardon ‘Not Comparable’ to His Decision to Pardon Half-Brother Roger

  1. Both Bill and Hillary’s brothers were selling access to the president (for pardons) for $200k a pop as I recall. Marc Rich bought a pardon for several million dollars.

  2. When Hillary was a 27 year old staff attorney for the White House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation, she got fired by her supervisor, lifelong democrat Jerry Zeifman. Zeifman said she was fired because she was a liar. She is an unethical, dishonest lawyer, she conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the Committee and the rules of confidentiality.
    And that’s when Bill knew he had found his soulmate!
    Since Christmas is coming, I want to look him straight in the eye and tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four flushing, snake licking, dirt eating, inbreed, overstuffed, ignorant, blood sucking, dog kissing, brainless, hopeless, heartless, fat assed, bug eyed, stiff legged, spotty lipped, worm headed, draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, girl-friend beating masturbating, cigar-dipping perv, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, power hungry, money grubbing, influence peddaling sack of monkey shit he really is who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred and will forever be known as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas outhouse while traveling around the world personally cashing in on selling the Presidency of the United States of America!
    Along with Travelgate, Whitewater, Castle Grande, Madison Guarantee, Cattle Futures, or Pardons for criminals, under the table ChiCom cash, Charlie Trie, the Riadies, Rich, Sandy (the thief) Berger, having an administration with the most convictions and guilty pleas, a Cabinet full of officials under criminal investigations and, oh yeah, getting a blow job from a barely legal intern in the Oval Office, his dishonesty is only exceeded by his unbridled greed and lust for power and that goes double for his criminal business partner that he calls a wife as well!

    Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol!

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