Bill & Epstein’s Decadent Adventure – IOTW Report

Bill & Epstein’s Decadent Adventure

4 Comments on Bill & Epstein’s Decadent Adventure

  1. I do not get the attraction of banging women just because they have hot bods with 40 or 50 year age differentials, IOW teenagers. I don’t give a shit if they have the most advanced techniques imaginable because I can not see my self on top of a 17 year old GIRL. I like women. Experienced women. Curvy women. Women that have delivered a couple babies. WOMEN. Sheesh.

    Now when I was 17, you bet your ass I was looking for girls my age. I remember my first 29 year old woman when I was 20, wow. But a 65 year old man banging a pre teen?? That is beyond weird.

    It’s fucking sick.

    In fact it’s downright moslim.

    Oh goodness, did I offend some moslims? FOAD assholes. And while you’re at it, stay the fuck in your own shitholes.

    I think men or women that sexually molest children are just about the lowest scum on this planet. I’d have no problem permanently desexualizing them, what ever that took.

  2. One of my wife’s great grandma’s was married at 14 (in Italy) and they stayed together for about 60 years. Different time, different culture, different set of values regarding faithfulness, sex and marriage.

    What Billygoat Clinton does is far, far away in a distant galaxy….

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