Bill Kristol’s Son-in-Law: I Hired Fusion GPS in Primary – IOTW Report

Bill Kristol’s Son-in-Law: I Hired Fusion GPS in Primary


Matthew Continetti, the editor of the neo-conservative website, the Washington Free Beacon, wrote in a letter posted online just after 7 p.m. on Friday that the Free Beacon hired Fusion GPS during the Republican primary to do research on Republican candidates. That research kicked off what became known as the “dossier” used to smear Donald Trump.

The Washington Free Beacon is funded by New York hedge fund manager Paul Singer, who backed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) in the Republican primary, and was vigorously opposed to Donald Trump.

Continetti is the 36-year-old editor-in-chief. He started the website with Michael Goldfarb after marrying the daughter of NeverTrumper Bill Kristol. Goldfarb previously worked for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.)

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7 Comments on Bill Kristol’s Son-in-Law: I Hired Fusion GPS in Primary

  1. I posted this several months ago when Fusion GPS was beginning to surface. Nunes successfully gained access to their bank records (although under seal & pertinent to Trump dossier). However, Fusion has ties to Russia via Venezuela pre Trump, and will protect their bank records at all costs.
    Big ties, big dirty business. The dirty smear campaign they ran on Trump is modus operandi for them.

  2. Bill Kristolnacht likes pizza. He eats pizza at John Podestaphile’s house with Tony Podestaphile. They should all be hung from a lamp post.

  3. Lets keep it real. These animals are all sexual deviants and predators. Hollywood scum, Washington political scum, and Wash-NY media scumbags all caught and exposed. Maybe they just are tired of hiding it and want to desensitize people to accept it, ala Bruce Jenner, et al.

    If they will rape a five year old girl, even if they are not a homo, with some drugs or liquor they will also then progress to raping five year old boys.

    Once they rape little boys, even though they may have “a wife”, they are definitely banging other homo men as well.

    Stephanopolous is a homo pizza eater, Kristol is a homo pizza eater, Todd is a homo pizza eater, Cooper and Lemon are flaming homos and gobble pizza. The list goes on, just add any name, and its for sure a homo child raping scumbag. Im sure Ryan and Weener shared pizza too.

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