Bill Maher: Joe “Ruth Bader Biden” Shouldn’t Run in 2024 – IOTW Report

Bill Maher: Joe “Ruth Bader Biden” Shouldn’t Run in 2024

GP: Bill Maher, a liberal comedian and political commentator known for his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher,” sounded the alarm bells about the prospect of Joe Biden running for re-election in 2024. Maher has taken it upon himself to voice a concern that many within the far-left Democratic Party have quietly whispered but rarely vocalized: Biden is too old to run again.

Maher compared Biden to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, coining the term “Ruth Bader Biden” to describe a leader who doesn’t know when to step aside and thereby jeopardizes his party and nation.

Ginsburg, who passed away in 2020, left a vacancy that was immediately filled by a conservative justice which made the far-left angry.

“Someone has to convince President Biden that if he runs again, he’s going to turn the country back over to Trump and go down in history as Ruth Bader Biden, the person who doesn’t know when to quit and so does great damage to their party and their country,” said Maher. more

17 Comments on Bill Maher: Joe “Ruth Bader Biden” Shouldn’t Run in 2024

  1. Maher has been and remains a comedian of the lowest stature and his commentary most juvenile.
    Biden has never been nor will he ever be noble and has done his worst to destroy the middle class and the United States.
    The fact remains Biden is a failure as a President and as a corrupt politician.

  2. dingle barry’s never worked an honest day his entire life, his whole sordid life is a lie
    the only thing he can run is his mouth and when you take away the teleprompter and he’s a bumbling fumbling fool

  3. Bob,

    The Keyan Queer runs nothing, his lifetime cabal handler ValJar runs everything so he can suck dicks and play all day.

    His swinging cock “wife” is going to be nominated. The Pedos days are numbered (in a political and old age sense Alphabet fuckers)…

  4. Well, golly, Nunya, I’m sure enough still here, and no one is more surprised than ME! I figured folks would get rid of me LONG ago, but I’m still here! But really, as flattered as I am for you thinking of me, I think it may be MORE fun for you to see what I DO than what I say!

    See you at the polls!


  5. Ya got me. Phone broke, computer auto completes, I don’t catch it. Sin will out.

    Yes, I am responsible for some instances of Dominion, although there are apparently others. I can’t speak for their motivations or intentions, only my own.

    The instances I used that handle are the ones where it was a reminder that we have fixed NONE of the structural problems with voting, addressed NONE of the frauds that happened, and that in all probability it WILL happen again. Complacency is as much our enemy as anything else, and if we have too much of an echo chamber we to may fall victim to it.

    It garners attention when the devil speaks directly to the audience. That’s what I had Dominion doing, to remind all that he lies yet in wait of the next opportunity to deceive us.

    In my instances, I gave the character a simpering persona, picked up the giggle from someone else’s representation but thought it was appropriate because those who control the voting machines are indeed laughing at all of us from behind their hands so I continued to incorporate that for both continuity and appropriateness to the character. You will also note in my instances that Dominion has no thoughts of his own but knows he serves evil, and is perfectly OK with doing whatever his masters instruct him to with full awareness that the consequences of his actions are dire, but is amused by those who chafe under the chains that he assists others to putting on them.

    Dominion is not a nice guy and was never intended to be. You are supposed to hate this character. It seems that, in that at least, I succeeded. You should hate this personification of the method of the demise of our electoral system as much as you should hate the demise of our electoral system itself, that’s the point.

    In any case, if I have done wrong in this, Fur or others are obviously entirely within their rights to swing the ban hammer. None of this is paying any of MY bills so it won’t end my world, just end one other outlet for me to exchange thoughts with others. I will stop doing that character myself if permitted to continue to post, but cannot promise that you will stop seeing that representation even if I am banned because there are others I do not know that are also doing it. Nevertheless I do not apologize for it or back away from it as Dominion was simply intended as a reminder of present evil still lurking at the polls, and as a banshee’s voice that was intended to galvanize all to the fact that we will not be voting our way out of this, that simply isn’t how Communism works, and that we all need to take thought of what comes after as history continues its arc of oppression using Dominion as a tool to give it a veneer of legitimacy.

    It is what it is. I don’t like Dominion any better than you do, but I created my iteration of him for precisely that purpose. I hope NO ONE likes him, that was kind of the POINT.

    In case of the eventuality that I am banned for this character, either by BFH’s own desire or at the behest of others, I will take this opportunity to bid you adieu. It’s been an interesting ride and a great channel of catharsis, as well as an encouragement that not all people are lost to the madness. I have met some people I can continue with outside of this venue that I know by their true names, and also do they know me, so I do apologize to them if they see this as a betrayal of sorts and ask only that you consider what I said my motivations and purposes were above. We’ve laughed with each other, cried for each other, prayed together, and learned some things about each other’s lives and life in general here, and for that I am grateful. I do not intend to withdraw but if I am not welcome here any more, I do not go to places that do not wish to receive me, and I will respect that if that is the decision of BFH and company and not attempt to end run it. I only hope that you all continue to do well with or without me, continue to buoy each other up and lift each other’s spirits and stand as long as you can as a flame against the encroaching darkness.

    And always remember that no man is worthy of your trust, only trust in the Lord. He will not fail you or abandon you, no matter what men may or may not do in your life, and only He can address the problems of this world, and will in His good time; so stay prayed up and ready to meet Him at the midnight cry no matter what else may happen, and that ultimately nothing else matters.

    God Bless,

  6. Fact is that freedom and liberty for others can be very dangerous for someone such as Joe Biden who has absolutely no idea how to navigate life without being controlled or bribed.

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