Bills That Clip The Wings of Any Future Faucis – IOTW Report

Bills That Clip The Wings of Any Future Faucis

American Thinker

This week Senator Rand Paul and Congressman Chip Roy introduced long-overdue legislation to rein in and reform an out-of-control and counterproductive public health establishment. The bill, entitled the NIH Reform Act would replace the Anthony Fauci-led National Institute of Allergic Diseases (NIAD) with three separate agencies: One to deal with allergic diseases, a second with infectious diseases, and a third to deal with immunologic diseases.

Directors of each of these institutes would be subject to Senate confirmation and would serve no more than two five-year terms. No longer would any one person like Fauci be given such overreaching authority (“dictator-in-chief”) for decades. Senator Paul explains, “This will create accountability and oversight into a taxpayer-funded position that has largely abused its power and has been responsible for many failures and misinformation during the Covid-19 pandemic.” More

10 Comments on Bills That Clip The Wings of Any Future Faucis

  1. It’s cute that you think monsters like Fauci are constrained by law. Maybe laws prevented him from creating Covid himself here in the States, so he outsourced the job to the Chinese with U.S. funding, and got the same result.

  2. So… who here thinks replacing one 6 figure tax payer funded dictator with delusions of godhood by a factor of three is a good idea? What could go wrong?
    Stop the planet, I want to get off.

  3. D
    MARCH 27, 2023 AT 3:26 AM
    “So… who here thinks replacing one 6 figure tax payer funded dictator with delusions of godhood by a factor of three is a good idea? What could go wrong?”


    All to be appointed by the America hating Democrat that stole the presidency.

    And approved by the Democrat stolen Senate.

    No help there.

  4. oh so no progress on trying the current fauci but we will get the next one.

    another worthless promise
    fauci wasn’t supposed to do what he did but he did it anyway
    where is the repercussions for his actions?
    so if there is no fallout for breaking the law why wouldn’t the next fauci do it too?
    especially when the dod pays them to break the law?

  5. No sense wallowing in the mud with everyone else who has given up. It’s tempting, but I still hold onto hope that my prayers, and those of millions of fellow Christians, are heard by God. I pray that our desire and prayers to bring God back into our society and government is enough to stir him into giving us another chance.

    I don’t see everything turning up roses, and all the evil punished, but I do have faith that God will punish some of the evil and the rest are pushed back into the darkness. Our message of faith in God needs to be spread, his goodness, and his glory be magnified by others. He is our only hope. To give up is to give up on God, which is something I will never do.

  6. …so when you say, “NEVER AGAIN”, you mean “never again UNLESS a pedophile Democrat illegally posing as president and a Senate stuffed with fraudulently installed Democrat globalist shitweasles decide that its OK to put guys who will murder entire populations in violation of the Nurenburg laws in charge of all three of those positions and start the poisioning up all over again, and you say Sieg Health instead of Sieg Heil…


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