Black Christian Leaders Detest Claim That Trump Is the ‘Driver’ of Racial Division in America – IOTW Report

Black Christian Leaders Detest Claim That Trump Is the ‘Driver’ of Racial Division in America

Christian Post-

“One thing you need to understand — you are saying that the president is the instigator and I think that is absolutely wrong. No, it is not disingenuous,” McCoy asserted. “The president made his comments and we are not standing up here to say that we are best friends with everything the president does but he is in an office that we all respect. … If we are looking about how we can move our country forward, we are trying to make sure that we do that collectively together.”

Corrogan Vaughn, a political activist who ran against Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland in the 2016 election, argued that those in the media who blame Trump for the racial tension in the United States are trying to turn Trump into a “villain.”

“Don’t make our commander in chief a villain when in actuality it is more the villainess of the media in terms of making something where nothing is,” Vaughn stated.

William Allen, a professor of political philosophy at Michigan State University who formerly served as the chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights, also responded, saying:

“I will say this about the repeated ascription of President Trump as the driver of hateful speech in our country: there are two things wrong with that view. The first thing wrong with it is we are pretending to hide behind blaming President Trump for our failures.”

Allen, who also served as dean of James Madison College at Michigan State University, added that Americans have gotten away from the principle of standing up for the free speech rights of others.

He specifically recalled a time in 1977 when the American Civil Liberties Union defended the right of Nazi supporters to wear Nazi uniforms and display swastikas when the National Socialist Party of America marched through the predominantly Jewish community of Skokie, Illinois.

“There was a time when we celebrated what we might call the ‘Skokie principle’ — when the far-right marched through Skokie, Illinois, the left defended their right to march and speak even hateful speech. We are no longer celebrating the ‘Skokie principle’ in our country,” Allen said. “We stopped celebrating the ‘Skokie principle’ long before Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the presidency.”

“If we have a problem, the problem is that we have lost our way. We have people that are wandering in the desert … who have lost their way,” Allen continued. “It is not going to do you much good to blame Moses. You gotta ask ‘why have the people lost their way, where did they lose their faith and how can it be restored?’ In short, I would encourage you and all who embraced this particular meme to challenge themselves to find better ways to express hopeful expectations of humanity.”


21 Comments on Black Christian Leaders Detest Claim That Trump Is the ‘Driver’ of Racial Division in America

  1. I don’t envy President Trump.
    No other president has taken this much slander abuse and false accusations as he has. Democrats are taking this election bleeding out of their ass.

    There’s a silver lining here after all. 🙂

  2. Very encouraging. A decent start, considering these black pastors are not necessarily conservative. They have it right. Personal responsibility is the key to getting this nation back to sanity. President Trump is not to blame for the moral and cultural rot tearing our country apart. Christian churches have been mandated by God to keep nations morally focused, even though they’ve done a poor job so far and most are bogged down in apostasy and heresy. Conservatives have lost a lot of wars, but the battle continues for the soul of this nation. Praying God continues to have mercy on us.

  3. Remember a few weeks ago, an essay that attempted to explain what we love about Trump, and the bottom line was, “he fights”. Yeah, keep fighting President Trump, there’s a bunch of us that are right behind you!

  4. “Super Patriot, if you have the media on your side you can get away with treason.”

    Because there are so few worthy people holding elected positions. Government needs purging. (via serious downsizing, long overdue)

  5. why is the msm and the rest of the commies so upset over DJT’s response to the “grassroots” riots that happened over the weekend ?

    because he told the truth and they cannot handle the truth !

    the riots were a planned event all for the outcome that is coming, the loss of our rights enshrined in the constitution.

    the right to free speech, the right to self defense and the right to assemble to redress grievances.

    once these are gone the jump to communism is going to be very quick.

    welcome to the gulag deplorables.

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