Black Woman in Atlanta Accused of Pretending to be White Male Member of the Ku Klux Klan, Threatening Black Neighbors – IOTW Report

Black Woman in Atlanta Accused of Pretending to be White Male Member of the Ku Klux Klan, Threatening Black Neighbors

GP: Another day, another hate hoax.

Douglas County, Atlanta – A 30-year-old woman this week was charged with 8 counts of making terroristic threats in the Brookmont subdivision of Douglasville.

For nearly a year, Terresha Lucas left threatening, racially charged notes in black people’s mailboxes on Manning Drive.

Lucas, a black woman, pretended to be a white male member of the Ku Klux Klan and described herself as 6 feet tall with a long red beard. more here

16 Comments on Black Woman in Atlanta Accused of Pretending to be White Male Member of the Ku Klux Klan, Threatening Black Neighbors

  1. Shouldn’t she get the same jail sentence a as a white male member of the Ku Klux Klan would get? With the added hate crime time, she should serve about 10 years.

    Plus there must be riots, lots of riots.

  2. The chances of finding a red-bearded, six foot man in Atlanta are pretty slim, I would guess. With blue eyes, a freckled face and no skin pigment, the Southern sun drives them away into the North woods of Yukon, Canada where they stomp around like Neanderthals while panning for gold for TV. This tastes funny. What the hell am I drinking?

  3. If men can identify as birthing people, Rachel Dolenzol and Shaun King can identify as black, why can’t this poor woman identify as a male white supremacist KKK member?

  4. @99th Squad Leader

    You had it right the first time, their entire perception of reality is based on conjecture, speculation and unproven idioms;

    A government can continue to function when it spends money it doesn’t have.

    A country can survive with it’s borders open, allowing enemies, reprobates, illiterates and those with zero skills to become a net drain on the existing taxpayers.

    A nation’s military can subordinate fighting ability to equity and CRT, to the point where it’s leaders think it is acceptable to surrender, leave Americans behind and arm the enemy.

    And the education system ignores parents wishes and indoctrinates our children, our future leaders, to be good little socialists who scoff at God, our history, and our inherent goodness.


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