Blacks are not progressives – IOTW Report

Blacks are not progressives

I’ve said it dozens of times on this site. Blacks are not progressives. Below are the top progressive issues:

LBGT rights, Separation of church and state, Election Spending, Energy and Environment, Climate Change, Gun Control, Immigration reform.

The majority of blacks either do not care about, or strenuously oppose, all of these issues. They are concerned with only one of the progressive movement’s platform – MONEY. That’s it. Entitlements, wealth redistribution, bennies and benjamin.  If you remove the welfare state, the black voting bloc dissolves. Blacks end up pulling the lever for all of the progressive planks in pursuit of their bribery money.

LBJ knew what he was doing when he said, I’ll have them n—–s voting Democratic for the next two hundred years.”

Look what the black community is saying about the SCOTUS ruling—

Black Pastors Vow Acts of Civil Disobedience if Supreme Court Approves Same-Sex Marriage

Conservative African-American religious leaders stand with their white counterparts to oppose same-sex marriage—at any cost.

Also this. (I realize it’s just one athlete I’m quoting here, but this is the overwhelmingly popular view of pretty much all locker rooms of the 4 main American sports.)

Vikings' Josh Robinson compares gay marriage to pedophilia on Twitter 

Minnesota Vikings cornerback Josh Robinson has compared same-sex marriage to pedophilia and incest in an incensed rant on Twitter. It came after the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide on Friday morning. Reacting to the news, the 24-year-old fumed: ‘Love is love? So what will we say when the 30yr old loves YOUR 10 year old. When the dad loves HIS 6 year old “It’s different?? Yea okay!”

17 Comments on Blacks are not progressives

  1. As usual, you are correct. The takers in America really don’t seem to realize they have made a deal with the devil himself for a few crumbs of the mammon.

  2. re: the biracial marriage thing. Hey, at least it’s man and woman. lol.

    Also, some blacks have given me the weird eye when they find out my mom and dad aren’t the same race- That’s why I never really hung out with a lot of them. They’re not all like that, but when they are, I have no reason to speak to them anymore. And I let them know why.

    Also, I may have told them to suck a bag of dicks or something, who remembers.

  3. What can a church do once it is threatened? It’s not going to be enough to take away their tax exemption status. [I mean for example— CA churches aren’t tax exempt anyway, right? Does anyone know?]

    So what happens? They strip the exemption, but can the church go to court to fight it?

    If the exemption is stripped can the church also be fined and harassed for NOT performing gay mirages?

    If so, then can the church take its case to court then?

    Is there any other option for the church to take besides performing the gay mirage by force, not performing any marriages, or closing their church?

  4. MJA – you remind me of a lady an old boss of mine met on an airplane back when you could still smoke on them. He sat down next to a very well dressed, attractive lady in a business suit. After a few minutes he asked her “do you mind if I smoke?” The lady turned to him and with a demure smile said “I don’t give a damn if you explode”.

  5. I have to correct your history. LBJ did not say, “I’ll have them ninnies voting Democrat”. He called them ‘niggers’. (Everyone knows that ‘n——-s’ stands for ‘ninnies’.)

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  6. I’ve always said that blacks are low hanging fruit and if conservatives made a concerted effort to communicate our shared values along with the stark, racist history of the democrat Party, we could break the 90-95% bloc they vote.

    All it would take is it to whittle 10-15% off that and the dems would never win another national election-they know that it’s one reason they so viciously attack any conservative black.

    Too bad the NEA doesn’t give a fuck about educating but a thinking black person is their worst nightmare. Better to foster “acting white”

    I dislike playing the politics of race but if Ted Cruz choose a Col West and delegated him to speak primarily in black neighborhoods, it would force the dems to use a lot of resources to counter The Col allowing Ted to get his message of solid conservatism through. A twofer!

  7. The same blacks who are against gay
    marriage still elect the progressives
    who pushed it on us. They want the
    bribe $ and freebies. Sadly, This won’t change. Just look at the rotting cities
    and the blacks who stay there and vote
    the same way year after year while
    blaming Republicans but never themselves.

  8. Luckily for us this won’t matter. Blacks served their purpose. Now the New Democrat voters all 20 million will take over. We will have an all Latino everything. Get used to it it’s coming.

  9. So when whitie is out of work or in jail cause they offended someone for something and can’t pay into the system where will that money come from?

  10. The majority of black people in America are leftists in a symbiotic relationship with progressives. Black leftists will do anything progressive tell them to do and what to believe.

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