Blast From Past – IOTW Report

Blast From Past

This was a Chalupa, and, as he says- “Six years ago today – it’s only gotten worse. Hope you’re having a good holiday !!”

14 Comments on Blast From Past

  1. Almost 3 full days since coof symptoms hit me, my wife brought it into the house 6 days ago, coofed up everyone. Inlaws flew in for my son’s graduation, what a great time for them *eyeroll* This “holiday” has been miserable. “It wouldn’t be so bad if you were vaccinated,” the in laws tell me. You mean it wouldn’t be so bad if Fauchi didn’t fund the chinese gain of function lab. It’s mostly all gone with FLCCC treatment, all that remains is sore throat and upper chest congestion.

    Oh, and the in laws drove my car to the hotel where crackheads sawed off the catalytic convertor on a 240,000 mile rust bucket that doesn’t have any precious metals in it. So I have that to deal with too.


  2. Times do not change,art gets stolen year after year so we see less of it here and that is a shame because we have some of the best on the web creating it on this site. I miss it. Lots was lost when the blog changed hands.
    The 2 piece puzzle was one of the best,and another blogger used that and told Big Fir Hat to piss off.

  3. Hey!! Thanks for posting Fur!! God Bless America and IOTW Report and everyone here!! We knew things were going to get weird but Obozo’s third term through his butt puppet Joe is a complete disaster. Keep fighting the good fight !!


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