BLM Protester Loses Testicle After Police Officer’s Rubber Bullet Nails Him In The Scrotum – IOTW Report

BLM Protester Loses Testicle After Police Officer’s Rubber Bullet Nails Him In The Scrotum

Black Lives Matter protester Bradley Steyn claims he was part of a protest for George Floyd on May 30, when he was hit in the groin area with a rubber bullet.

44 Comments on BLM Protester Loses Testicle After Police Officer’s Rubber Bullet Nails Him In The Scrotum

  1. Jimmy
    JUNE 28, 2020 AT 1:36 PM
    “I don’t know what women wear.”

    …well, guess THIS ball-less guy better be learning, he’s ALREADY a neutered pussy, might as well go play “let’s pretend” with the REST of his poofy Democrat friends, althogh the prison life would be the BEST way to train him for his new, eh, “position”…

  2. When engaging in sporting events, riots, etc:
    The first consideration is protection of the family jewels for males. If he did not know that before, he learned it the hard way.

  3. “…Rubber Bullet Nails Him In The Scrotum”

    so, he took a rubber bullet to the face?

    …Because his head just looks like a sad, empty ball sack to me, fit only to store discharge for his gay lover in…

  4. Article says Won Hung Lo is from South Africa. Why isn’t he there basking in the enlightened glow of Black Rule instead of making South Africa/Zimbabwe II in the new world? Reality is not at all like the Con and this Halfling didn’t learn a damn thing. Shoot him again. He’s too stupid to breed/breathe.

  5. Too bad the bullet wasn’t a couple inches higher. Every sexual encounter he had after that could have been charged as Assault with a Dead Weapon.

  6. “Suddenly……
    I’m not half the man I used to be
    There’s a shadow hanging over me
    Oh, I believe in yesterday…….”

  7. Well, don’t stop protesting now. Come out again and let’s try for the other one. No sense being a half a eunuch, when you could achieve full (empty) status.

  8. ^^^ as fun as it sounds, tactically, you don’t aim rubbed bullets, you aim to bounce them off the ground or walls into crowds so, as satisfying as it was, it was just sheer luck he was hit by ONE in a nut, so BOTH nuts would be an absolute lottery-win level of luck…


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