Boston: Flash mob robs Apple store – IOTW Report

Boston: Flash mob robs Apple store


NATICK (CBS) — A group of thieves stole over $13,000 in iPhones from the Apple store in the Natick Mall in a “flash mob” robbery.

Natick Police Lt. Cara Rossi said a group of seven teens were only in the store for less than one minute, but were able to steal 19 phones.

In the video below, the thieves can be seen cutting the security cords that tethered the iPhones to their displays all at the same time.

They fled the mall on foot, and police were unable to find them.

Lt. Rossi said both male and female thieves were involved, and that they all wore hoodies and hats to help conceal their identities.

SNIP: Uh oh. I do believe they are mostly black teens. The white kid and the female will probably be the snitches once they get caught.

20 Comments on Boston: Flash mob robs Apple store

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this closer to vandalism than theft? Aren’t iPhone store demos set up so that even if stolen they can’t be made to do anything useful? The black mob might as well have smashed them with hammers. Not that we should assume they know how to operate hammers.

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