Boxed Critters – IOTW Report

Boxed Critters

Images from:

1 Dadof4 (Sylvie) Ebaykitty – Sylvie, at her job as Inspector 12 of Ebay shipments.
2 Buster Brown
3 systemically confused (Kilo) Box fetish
4 bluebird of bitterness (oscar and figaro)
5 Marco (Jamieboy) looking out of the doghouse, where he goes when he wants to contemplate his position as King of the Yard!
6 bluebird of bitterness (bessie)
7 Erik (Ruger, AKA Ms Rougierre from Fanu’s Uncle Silas)
8 Little Sis (Pistol and Sammy) Pistol’s favorite box with Sammy looking through the peephole.

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:

They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!

NEEDED: If you send me pictures for any of the following themes, please tell me the name of the theme they are for.

  • You Might Be A Redneck – You should know what this theme entails! – theme idea from Dadof4
  • Scaredy Cats, er, Dogs, um, Critters – Critters afraid of thunder or other loud noises – theme idea from Mansfield Lovell


14 Comments on Boxed Critters

  1. Mornin’ everyone what a great set of pics this week!

    We have both plywood and cardboard boxed critters…

    @systemically confused – our buds, Kilos’ twin brother likes to sit ON his boxes.

    @Dadof4 – ‘your best night sleep awaits”…the timing of this pic is something else and she looks JUST like our Little Girl that we just put down last week today.

    @marco – daisy ” did someone say bacon?”

    And HOW in the heck with the kitty in the water jug?

    Thanks C! We’re pushing off right now…


  2. Thanks to all contributors and Claudia. My heart belongs to the black and whites but all photos are precious.
    Was Ruger able to escape the watering can on his own? I’m betting on, yes!
    Also love Marco, ruler of the backyard.

  3. You know, I think it’s the jumping in something that they kind of take over. I had by dresser draw opened the other day and my cat, Budds just went over jumped in and started to clean him self and proceeded to lye down.. Lol. I was going to close the draw but then thought better of it!

    God Bless us all.


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