Brace Yourself For What’s Coming in 2024 – Victor Davis Hanson – IOTW Report

Brace Yourself For What’s Coming in 2024 – Victor Davis Hanson

21 Comments on Brace Yourself For What’s Coming in 2024 – Victor Davis Hanson

  1. Usually VDH’s observations are yeah, OK so now what? And while these are along the same lines, there is a much bigger bite he’s taking.

    When he start advancing STEPS, it’s going to be other worldy.

  2. One of the reasons to get up every morning is knowing the fear that demonrats feel regarding President Donald Trump and the havoc he has caused. So much so that they have exposed themselves in so many ways that shows levels of corruption and evil deeds.

    It must end or American will end: 2024 will tell us if America is obsolete as an idea or is it resilient enough to go MAGA?

  3. Worst vote I ever made was for Bush ’88! I knew before he’ been inofice an hour I hade made terrible mistake. “My” President’s first speech was to tell the world the country I love was bad and Americans were bad. Best thing for the “new world order” would beMuslims burn down hundred ofd cities and kill millions of us. Then the UINIPARTYcould build a “kinder Gentler America>
    That “Ugly American” speech was omen of the next 4years.

    The leftist editor o NRO attacked Ronny Smmer 92 for not backing GHWB. One of the 2 conservatives still there. – I think VDH – coincidental you picked him? I think not – told lefty J. Goldberg ‘Rnny loves America.He never has backed an American hater. Go dot CIS and look for “Kinder Gentler America”!”! Goldberg crawled into a hole!

    For those < 6. CIS. WAS THE NET 40 YEARSAGO!

  4. Long overdue Spring Cleaning. Trump’s detractors and enemies are OUR enemies. They have lied, served only themselves and stolen much from all.

    Git er done in 2024 so we can look children and grandchildren in the face, instead of looking like over-weight, self-indulgent, lazy-assed, ugly parasites who allowed the American Dream to die and abused many across the globe with national hypocrisy.

    Big Boogaloo, count me in.

  5. Without that 4 years of Trump as president, we would now be much further along the track of nazi-like tyranny.
    Trump took a big bite out of crime, in spite of their constant, continuing efforts to derail him.
    People tend to find out, eventually, where their best interests lie, and don’t lie.

  6. I listened to the first minute and half. His premise is wrong, nothing will change in 2024. If anything is going to change it will have to wait until early 2025. I’m not arguing minutia here. The inauguration falls on MLK day in January of 2025. Imagine the spin and bullshit that’s going to be manufactured using that date as a catalyst.

    I have a lot of respect for VDH but he is dreaming. Trump in the WH with a Republican controlled Senate and House will still be Trump against the swamp. One man, constrained by the Constitution, the Courts the Swamp and up against the globalists = impotency. Will things be better? Yes. Will the nation be turned around? Not just no but hell no. It will only postpone the inevitable.

    A Trump presidency and Republican control of Congress will result in years of hearings that will result in money spent with nothing to show for it. All the players that VDH thinks will pay a price will skate. It’s extremely rare for the swamp club to go after a member of the swamp club. All members of the swamp club know things about other members of the swamp club. Their pact is one of mutually assured destruction.

    Who will want to be in his cabinet? Who has pockets deep enough to survive the lawsuits that the communists will bring forth? If they can’t bring you down politically, they’ll bring you down financially. If those means don’t work, they’ll take you down physically. We know this because they’ve done it and they’re doing it now.

    I wish that VDH was right, that he is on target. It’s wishful thinking. More words affirming that the best place for us is on the coach with the remote in our hands.

  7. @ ol exJarhd: As Tim said, what was the choice? You picked the less than worse candidate we got stuck with by the self aggrandizing selection machine.

    “Party trumps person”…despite the Feckless R’s being next to useless and weak, folding like a cheap umbrella in a Wyoming breeze. Better the R’s be in power than the much worse Dem’s and their figurehead leader, The Magical Mr. O (aka The Kenyan) in a 4th term to muck things up and turn us further into a 3rd world country while they enjoy redistributing the fruits of We The People’s – getting harder by the day – labor.

  8. mystaclean

    I beg to differ about 2024. You’re missing the part about keeping Trump out of office in the first place. By Any Means Necessary. 2024 is going to get ugly. This country will be unrecognizable this time next year.
    Your not wrong about 2025 should Trump get in. However if Trump appoints a Ken Paxton type as AG I would expect to see military tribunals take place with real quick justice served. In fact, I think there’s evidence of them setting the stage for that right now. The timing of Trumps and Elons law suits against the propaganda arm of the DNC are well timed for such an effort in 2025.
    Any way you cut it, this is an excellent time to turn into a prepper.

  9. @Anonymous, let me clear that up because I chose my words poorly in that last sentence.

    I wasn’t saying that we should be on the couch with the remote, I was trying to say that it will confirm to far too many that everything will be fine and that they can continue to remain disengaged.


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