Brennan and Clapper Must Answer For Hacking John Roberts – IOTW Report

Brennan and Clapper Must Answer For Hacking John Roberts

Big League Politics: Obama administration intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper must answer to the allegations that they blackmailed Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to get his vote for Obamacare in 2012.

Roberts, who reportedly was investigated at one time for potentially illegally adopting his sons, betrayed the Republican base that initially celebrated his Bush appointment when he confirmed the supposed constitutionality of Obamacare during Obama’s re-election campaign.

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts was sharply critical of the FISA court as he came up for confirmation, before the Obama administration intelligence chiefs reportedly hacked his phone and electronic records.
The FISA court is being accused of being a body that reports to no one, with wide-ranging power to do the bidding of intelligence operatives. Hillary Clinton’s lawyer in the Russia matter Michael Sussmann, a partner at the Perkins Coie law firm that tapped DNC contractor Crowdstrike to “investigate” the leak of DNC emails to Wikileaks, was interviewed by CNN on the “inner workings of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court” in 2013, according to the Perkins Coie archives. Robert Mueller has also praised the FISA court prior to the Trump case.

Justice John Roberts, a Bush nominee, voiced his displeasure with the court in his 2005 confirmation.  more here

19 Comments on Brennan and Clapper Must Answer For Hacking John Roberts

  1. Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. So must Fast/Furious Holder, IRS Lerner, HRC/Benghazi, DWS/Awan spies, Feinstein/Chinaman valet spy, obama/Bergdahl/pallets of cash to Iran/DOJ/FBI FISA abuse…… be held to account.

    Roberts sits on the highest court in the land with the power to rein in corrupt govt officials. Apparently DOJ/FBI are unaccountable to no one, so where do The People seek relief? Certainly not from a cowardly SCOTUS, who btw wouldn’t want the dirt Brennan/Clapper have on him exposed.

  2. yes. more importantly Roberts needs to answer for his support for obamacare. and if blackmailed he must answer to the people for his crimes, one; allowing blackmail, two; the crime he was blackmailed for.

  3. Considering the pretzel that Roberts twisted himself into to uphold Obamacare, I always suspected blackmail or extortion played a major role. This confirms my suspicion.

    Obama really did set up a thugocracy and it may never be undone. Certainly not in my lifetime.

  4. Watching John get verbally abused while sitting on the front row during the state of the Union was very painful. I felt like he should have walked out, but maybe that was what Barry was daring him to do

  5. A lot of people suspected that Obama and/or someone had dirt on Roberts. So instead of telling Bush to nominate someone else or exposing any blackmail he put the country in danger of financial and constitutional collapse.

  6. There was a lot of gossipy talk about why Roberts blew the Obamacare vote. It included his adoptions and that he was a closeted homosexual. Interesting how the party that is so terribly militant about LGBT rights uses homosexuality as a weapon against people they oppose. So which way is it, libtards? Is homosexuality something g to be celebrated or a shame to be hidden. Their hypocrisy sickens me to no end.

  7. I tend to discount conspiracy theories.
    I do believe Oswald acted alone.
    I believe Flight 800 was downed by a mechanical failure and not by a missile.
    But conspiracies in the Obama Deep State are always believable to me.

  8. I don’t trust my government any farther than I can through it. I don’t trust the current administration to put things right. Bush 43 didn’t clean up the mess left by the previous administration, and there was plenty of mess. He didn’t do us any favors.

  9. ” So which way is it, libtards? Is homosexuality something to be celebrated or a shame to be hidden. ”

    Neither one. It’s an effective tool / weapon for the left to use to weaken the country, control some opponents, and a horse for them to ride to political power.

  10. I called this one a long time ago before it was even a thought in the Collective American Mind. Knowing what went on during the Great Pretender’s administration and the bewildering position of this SC Judge, I knew there was much more to the story. I didn’t know it would come out so soon, though. How much more crap needs to come out? President Trump is America’s Dr. Pimple Popper.

  11. I have said John Roberts was compromised since the day his ludicrous ObamaCare ruling was handed down. What the bastard did may never be known, but you can rest assured it is something that would ruin him if it ever got out.

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