Brian Regan goes to the eye doctor – IOTW Report

Brian Regan goes to the eye doctor

 A hilarious routine about… well… eye doctors. 🙂

From “I Walked On The Moon”

10 Comments on Brian Regan goes to the eye doctor

  1. I’ve been to two of Brian Regan’s shows. I usually just sit there and smile when I see a comedy act, but Brian Regan had me laughing out loud the whole time. He’s the funniest comedian I’ve ever seen and you could bring your kids to see his act because he doesn’t use fowl language.

  2. Regan is awesome. His “Me Monster” bit is good, along with other bits about “Serving Sizes”, “Going to the gym”. These all came from “I walked on the moon” routine I believe.
    His later stuff is good to, but the comedy central special years ago was one of the best I’ve seen.

    I just discovered last year, Sebastian Maniscalco. He is funny as well, lots of bits on family and Italians and good physical comedy as well.

  3. Not only is Brian Regan acknowledged as a master by other top comedians, he’s a longtime favorite of iOTWreport Founders. Watching “I Walked On The Moon” is one of the funniest hours you can ever spend.
    I’ve also seen him live twice. Once with my kids when they were younger, and once again when they were adults. He’s the best of the best. If you don’t know his stuff, seek it out! Trust me.

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