Brian Williams Asks About How Paris Attacks Will Affect Climate Summit Messaging – IOTW Report

Brian Williams Asks About How Paris Attacks Will Affect Climate Summit Messaging

brian williams live from the moon

Newsbusters: Right in the middle of the reports of the Paris attacks yesterday comes a really bizarre and tone deaf note of concern from Brian Williams of MSNBC.

brian williams when isis beheaded him

Brian was concerned about how the attacks will affect the messaging of the Paris Climate Change Conference which is scheduled to begin at the end of this month. I kid you not as you can see in this video of his interview with Weather Channel managing editor Sam Champion who was in Paris for an Al Gore event. – See more

12 Comments on Brian Williams Asks About How Paris Attacks Will Affect Climate Summit Messaging

  1. Bernie Sanders in tonight’s debate said “greatest threat is climate change, and this attack is directly related to climate change. Climate change has lead to the rise of Al Qaeda and ISIS.” These people are insane.

  2. Raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, everyone will have more money to spend and the economy will grow. Sounds great to me. Imagine if the minimum wage was $50 an hour? Jeessuuus we couldn’t find places to spend all that fucking money and the economy would explode. Did get that right?

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