British Columbia hospital distributing free crack pipes, snorting kits from vending machine – IOTW Report

British Columbia hospital distributing free crack pipes, snorting kits from vending machine

A British Columbia hospital now features a vending machine distributing free crack pipes and “safe” snorting kits.

10 Comments on British Columbia hospital distributing free crack pipes, snorting kits from vending machine

  1. Remember when the medical community adhered to the Hippocratic oath of “first, do no harm?”
    Those were good times when the object was to treat and cure rather than enable, cause and treat.

  2. – free crack pipes and snorting kits at a vending machine outside the emergency room.
    Well at least the NARCAN® iz right around the corner!

    Talk about a vicious cycle –
    Vending machine -> ER.
    ER -> Vending machine
    Vending machine -> ER.
    …and so on.
    100 Years from now they will look back and say: This is where mankind’s journey down the big sewer began accelerating!

  3. Harry
    Sunday, 1 September 2024, 11:02 at 11:02 am
    “the NARCAN® iz right around the corner!

    Talk about a vicious cycle –
    Vending machine -> ER.
    ER -> Vending machine
    Vending machine -> ER.”

    …A friend of mine had a heroin addicted son and his heroin addicted DIL.

    The happy couple would send their kid to a friends then do smack, apparently staggered in some form so one could narc the other if they stopped breathing. This worked for them for awhile until one time when he got impatient and doped while he was still alone in his car.

    Where his son found him dead some time later.

    Wife narced him, squad narced him, too late. Contrary to popular belief, as an opiod antagonist it only alleviates respiratory depression in the still-living, it does NOT bring back the dead, and neither did anything else anyone tried.

    Narcan, CPR, all that only works for a witnessed arrest. If you go down alone, you’ll die alone, regardless of if you die at the foot of a paraphanelia vending machine 5 feet from the emergency department.

    …Im a fan of Naloxone (the generic name for NARCAN®). Ive used it on patients as a medic, on fellow employees as an industrial first responder, and Im carrying some now because Im at work in a young, diverse workplace so it comes up. Ive promoted it here for everyone, linked to Web sites where it can be got for free, and if anyone names a city and state I will research availability for them. It can save lives and has no side effects to speak of.

    Naloxone is one of those rare drugs that actually WORKS.

    IF you understand what it does and doesnt do, and learn how to avoid needing it in future.

    Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist. Thats it. If an opioid is present it counteracts it for a time, but not forever. Depending on dosage and time of the opioid use, the drug may outlast the naloxone and the revived user relapse and die, if further medical help is not sought. NALOXONE BUYS TIME, IT IS NOT DEFINITIVE CARE.

    It is also not just for “druggies”. The senior who forgets they took their pain meds over and over again until they overdose…its for them. The little kid who eats Grampa’s colorful candies or gets into Mom and Dad’s stash…its for him. The teen who’s just starting to make life’s mistakes and succumbs to peer pressure at a party…its for her.

    But the doper, the man who knows the risks and takes it anyway?

    …well, its for HIM, too.

    Because everyone should get a second chance, whether you think they “deserve” it or not.

    Not my rule,

    “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
    2 Peter 3:9

    Recovering from a near-death experience may provide a literal come-to-Jesus moment for even the hardest rocks. The proximity of Death can sometimes sharpen the focus on life. Whether I think that life is worth saving is irrelevant, God thinks it is and wants them ALL to have a chance to come to Him.

    And if forestalling the death of another, ESPECIALLY one who would die in sin is within my power, I have a duty to try.

    I owe that to my Lord.
    Not to the druggie.

    …and that, at the end, is really all it is. Naloxone is a second chance drug, and nothing more. It can save you sometimes, but not every time. One who fails to learn from it will eventually cross into the Undiscovered Country, with or without it, as my friend’s son learned.

    …one SHOULD be aware, however, that while Naloxone may be begnin, someone REVIVED by it may NOT be. Hardcore users may become QUITE upset at you ending the high they worked so hard for and express that in a variety of antisocial ways, when they get done vomiting. But this is too long already, so if you want to know more about it you can see more at a variety of sites. For OH,…

    …most of these have a short training required by OH law, you can review those without ordering, if you like.

    The drug facilitation machines are terrible, but dont conflate Narcan with them.

    God gives second chances.

    So can Naloxone.

    …But neither one can make a man use them wisely…

  4. wtf took em so long. over here in NYC i pass by one on my home from every night. this one is located on the corner of Broadway and Decatur. Brownsville/bed stuy border. so it becomes a debate now of whether Diblasio or Adams is NYC worst mayor ever. Diblasio wanted the vending machines, Adams got he job done baby. thing was emptied on the first day after 3hrs. i know i know, shocking it lasted that long

  5. And in good news the idiot state of Oregon has voted to recriminalize the use of hard drugs after a complete failure of decriminalizing them in 2020. Hell must of frozen over temporarily in Oregon although it’s still legal to smoke dope in Oregon.


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