The Telegraph
Raspberries and broccoli might give you Covid, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) has warned.
Experts have revealed that the virus that causes Covid-19 can live on some ready-to-eat groceries for days.
They found that the virus appeared to live longer on produce with uneven surfaces, such as broccoli and raspberries than on smooth-skinned produce such as apples. More
It wasn’t that long ago they encouraged you to eat your broccoli to counter COVID. Here
I bet the study was financed by Pfizer, who will tomorrow announce their new, just-in-time, fruit and vegetable SARS-CoV-2 test kit. $800.00 a pop, but because govt will pay for it, it’ll be FREE!
Simple…boil or cook the broccoli. Problem solved.
I got COVID from sucking some faggot’s dick!
(all said with tongue firmly planted in both cheeks)
It can, if you shove it up your ass. It can probably give you monkey pox, too – especially if it was handled by someone Biden hired.
I’ve always liked broccoli, but I’ve enjoyed eating it even more after Bush the Puerile said he hated it.
Not to worry – cheap OTC Pepto Bismol kills Chicom virus. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04811339
Broccoli definitely will give you gas.
Wash your vegetables. Duh.
But, all seriousness aside, I don’t believe a fukkin thing the gov’t comes out with at this point. They can pound sand.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
LOL these people will try everything
So what.
Now that MOST NORMAL people don’t give a shit about VAX or COOF they are giving away FREE boxes of test kits at the grocery store “To Keep Your Christmas Safe.”
I Pretended to be VERY Excited & told the Public health Nurse “Thank You, Anyone who shows up with COOF has to do 2 Shots of Vodka before we eat.”
These people MUST BE MOCKED!
I guess it’ll be too dangerous to grow your own food in the future. Eat the bugs.
Life can give you Covid.
Nothing another booster won’t fix.
Nothing quite like a big, steaming bowl of bat and brocolli soup….