Broward Sheriff makes excuses for why a leader of CAIR is his Deputy. – IOTW Report

Broward Sheriff makes excuses for why a leader of CAIR is his Deputy.

FrontPageMag- In response to this author’s article published in FrontPage Magazine last Friday about how CAIR leader Nezar Hamze is now a Deputy Sheriff at the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO), Sheriff Scott Israel appeared on WFTL-Fort Lauderdale’s Joyce Kaufman radio show to discuss the matter.

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On the show, Israel made a number of weak excuses as to why this has taken place. The following report will challenge these excuses, in an effort to expose this wrongdoing.

Since the beginning of this year, Sheriff Scott Israel has been hopping around from radical mosque to radical mosque, getting his smiling face photographed with a number of known Muslim extremists in South Florida. It turns out, during that time period, he has had his own Muslim extremist liaison to introduce him to those radical mosques, Nezar Hamze, the local head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and now Deputy Sheriff. more

11 Comments on Broward Sheriff makes excuses for why a leader of CAIR is his Deputy.

  1. And you wonder why cops are sitting in parking lots instead of proactively patrolling. There is a reason why murder rates are going up.

    Far too many police departments are run by these politically correct assholes. And in this business political correctness will get you killed.

  2. The definition of irony: A man with the last name Israel supporting an individual with the last name Hamze. History is about to repeat itself due to the willful ignorance of this current crop of idiots.

  3. The County Sheriff is our only elected public law enforcement officer, and as such, can be replaced at the next election.
    I wonder what the people of Broward County are saying about this?
    Seems like it would be fodder for the next election.

  4. These muckin fuzzies are like a termite infestation, nibbling away at the foundations of this once-great Country.
    They must be eradicated, along with their treacherous supporters.

    The sooner, the better.

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