Brown University Allows People To Self-Identify Race – IOTW Report

Brown University Allows People To Self-Identify Race

Pocahontas Policy is what it’s being called.

Campus Reform went to the “highly educated” students (please stop saying this, college kids today are morons) and asked them what they thought of it. Their answers support my argument.

One idiot said it promotes diversity.

So, we can have an all-white college and in this alternate reality it can theoretically be a multi-cultural, diverse, “space.”

Good to know.

Does this apply to all-white country clubs?

20 Comments on Brown University Allows People To Self-Identify Race

  1. Couldn’t get through it. These kids weren’t stating their opinions, but were struggling to dredge up the latest politically correct multi cultural answers. I could almost see the string coming out of their backs like my sisters’ talking dolls from the 1960s. I would never hire one of these kids. They don’t think for themselves.

  2. I remember a story where a prof at the University of Michigan had the bright idea that he would call upon his students using their preferred pronouns. One student selected His Majesty. Brilliant!

  3. If my fundamental Racial (or Gender) Identity is ultimately arbitrary and I am not bound by this reality, then I am also not bound to anyone else’s arbitrary, self-proclaimed Identity they decide for themselves. You can’t tell me it’s arbitrary on the one hand and then tell me I am obligated to recognize and address it objectively in others on the other hand.

    This Cult Mentality of the Left needs to be exposed for what it is.

  4. $64,566 first year tuition with room and board. Yep, money well spent. Bet a lot of parents will be telling their kids that they won’t be going to Brown because with fees that high they better get a real education not a fairy tale snowflake degree.

  5. After seeing shit like this it makes me wonder…what ever happened to the R&D on the Neutron Bomb. At least we can same the buildings since we can no longer save the students or faculty.

  6. I identify as a halfrican American, w/ a self-loathing white mother & an alcoholic Kenyan father, who may or may not be my birth-father as I have no resemblance to him & quite a resemblance to the communist pedophile that Grandma was keeping around (presumably for bad poetry readings) & forced to marry a hermaphroditic ghetto-bitch & some adopto-kids
    … now bitches, where be my presidential pension check? … I gotta go check out Prince Dick … I mean Tom … I mean Harry!

    tomorrow I think I’ll be Colon Crapperdick … another self-loathing black that can’t quite deal w/ his white upbringing

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