BS in Polling – IOTW Report

BS in Polling

Breitbart ran a story from Newsweek yesterday about Taylor Swift fans and their preference for Biden. Here

At Newsweek, the only detail of the survey they share is the sample size, 1,500. Here

Going to the link provided by Newsweek about their polling firm and with some examination it looks like the Taylor Swift question was asked in a poll of New York City only. Here

In conclusion, if you want the opinion of Taylor Swift fans in New York City, then this is the content for you. If you’re looking for a more meaningful indicator of how the nation views the upcoming election, then I suggest looking elsewhere.

22 Comments on BS in Polling

  1. A population consisting of New Yorkers is not representative of the United States.

    If they had labeled their statistical study New Yorkers Love Paris Swifter” (hell, what’s her name) it would have been acceptable as a statistical analysis.

    But it doesn’t change the state of Rock & Roll, which is dead. Pop music, I guess, lives on with people such as Swifter. I don’t think we’ll ever have an explosion of great music (it was not all great) like we old-timers had from the 1950’s till the 2000’s.

    It was a once a millennial phenomenon. I look back on it with a lot of nostalgia.

  2. Anyone who prefers a second Biden torture test is a huge net negative to the world and needs to be eliminated to save us from a climate disaster.

    One billion cows versus 8 billion people, and the cows are disrespected for farming while Michael Moore farts enough in one day to cause the glaciers to melt and the sealife to surrender.

  3. @Brad — I regret to say that cows do indeed fart. However, it is true that cattle methane emission is predominantly from the mouth.

    From a TED article (ignore the climate change blather):

    90 to 95 percent of the methane released by cows comes out of their mouths, while 5 to 10 percent is released in the form of manure and flatulence.

    With all the other smells that abound where there are cattle, it is kind of rare to be immediately aware that a nearby cow has farted. But if you are nearby, the odor is intense and nauseating. Long ago personal experience.

  4. Uncle Al
    Dude, you just wrote,

    90 to 95 percent of the methane released by cows comes out of their mouths, while 5 to 10 percent is released in the form of manure and flatulence

    Really? I know cattle peeps that will tell you they don’t fart at all. Kinda make me wonder how the know that, but I trust them.

  5. @Brad — I’ve seen it. I’ve heard it. I’ve smelled it.

    Now, I admit that I might lie to you and tell you you’re handsome, but I just can’t imagine the circumstances that would make me lie to you about cow farts.

    Also, there’s this from NASA:

    Contrary to common belief, it’s actually cow belching caused by a process called enteric fermentation that contributes to methane emissions. Enteric fermentation is the digestive process in which sugars are broken down into simpler molecules for absorption into the bloodstream. This process also produces methane as a by-product. However, a small percentage of methane is also produced in the cow’s large intestine and released. Additionally, significant amounts of this greenhouse gas are generated in settling ponds and lagoons used for processing cow manure.

  6. Uncle Al

    First of all, I’m so handsome it’s almost painful, snicker, Second of all, if it comes out of a cows mouth it’s still a burp.

    I’d copy and paste the 411 you just included, which is great stuff. And proves, I think, both our points, cows are not a problem. Unless you burn your Rib Eye. Which reminds me, I got to go and check mine.

  7. OSU had a cow with a windowed round portal hatch implanted into its stomachs. You could see and open the hatch and take samples. Also, Cows were not designed to eat corn. Pure grass as was the design. PS.. modern weed is no more or less potent than 10,000 years ago. The THC is still exactly as origanally designed. The potency is the concentration of THC. Strains have various effects. Paranoid, insecure types should avoid certain strains as THC can amplify those anxieties. Ask any cannabis hater why they ‘hate’ it so much. See how they lie?

  8. @Brad — Complete agreement on cow …gas… and climate effects. Nil.

    It’s my conclusion that the Earth’s climate has a great number of self-correction mechanisms whose aggregate effect is stability. When methane causes an increase in temperature, something else kicks in to limit that. Bottom line, whatever puny effect we God’s children might have on climate, the Creator set up feedback loops to keep things more or less comfortable.

  9. That moron Loco keeps calling weed a hallucinogen.

    Weed was “One Hit Wonder”, or it was something else.

    No one, ever, hallucinated on weed.

  10. Uncle Al

    It still all boils down to “Carbon Content” with these morons. My go to, and easy to prove, they’ve done core samples as deep as they can go at both poles measuring carbon content in the ice. .04 percent. What’s the carbon content today? .04 percent. Of course that will all change after Bill Gates chops down all the trees.

  11. hey y’all we got Cardi B who bitches about Biden’s BS economy regularly and swears like a sailor while attracting the young black vote like a magnet. Swifties can’t hold a candle to her. And in fact, will listen to Cardi B over Swift for virtue signaling purposes. I won’t pretend to understand any of it, but when Cardi swings those nails around ain’t no Gen Z gonna switch off.

  12. @ Bovine Brunch SATURDAY, 25 MAY 2024, 22:45 AT 10:45 PM

    Back in the 1960s WSU had cattle with those port holes. I remember them quite clearly, my mother used to tell friends and relatives that I found the research fascinating and would ask questions for hours about it. I don’t really remember the details of what they were studying .

  13. I’m not following this thread … are y’all sayin that Taylor Swift is a cow fart?
    Or sings like a cow fart?
    Or f*cks Michael Moore?

    My head is filled with confusment …


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