B!tch Slap 2014? – IOTW Report

B!tch Slap 2014?

Hope n’ Change-

Laugh About It, Shout About It…

Depressing thought of the day: your vote equals exactly half of their votes.

Tomorrow is the big event – Election Day 2014! America’s last chance to tell Barack Hussein Obama where to stick it, which way to twist it, and how long to leave it in!

Democrats, terrified by predictions that they’ll receive a bitch-slapping of Biblical proportion have spent their final hours on the campaign trail screaming endlessly about racism because…um…oh yeah! Because Barack Obama is black! Not that any Democrats admit to actually knowing him.

But while Hope n’ Change is optimistic about the election results and keenly interested in seeing the innovative new methods of voter fraud, we’re truthfully not all that excited about where the world will be even if the Democrats get the hot, steaming crap kicked out of them.



11 Comments on B!tch Slap 2014?

  1. I’m going to eat my words, because I’m voting for a straight GOP ticket. Even if I don’t like some of the candidates for being RINOS.
    I want them DemocRATS out of power so bad
    that it hurts. Get out and VOTE for Republicans!

  2. Voted absentee last month, and will be checking to make sure my ballot is not shitcanned by a democrat who depends on voter fraud to get ahead.

    I think those two guys in the pic did their prison time. So they are better than any democrat.

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