Buckley Debates Saul Alinsky – IOTW Report

Buckley Debates Saul Alinsky

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8 Comments on Buckley Debates Saul Alinsky

  1. Alinsky showed that he was nothing more than a pseudo intellectual that had no real understanding of humanity nor its basic ideals of how things are supposed to be in a moral world. “The world” had to be misled into accepting his BS in order to create the kind of “change” he desired. If you don’t like “he hand that life has dealt you”, blame it on someone else and tear up enough shit to intimidate others into agreeing with you.

    Typical leftist BS from a smarmy asshole that never earned an honest dollar in his life. He made his “living” by dividing and stirring up dissent among people. Sadly, Obama learned Alinsky’s craft very well.

  2. i want my 15 minutes back.
    that man rambled on and on, but never said a thing.
    all ahhs, ummms, ehhs, nothing of any substance.
    that man had trouble formulating an answer at all.

    and don’t get me going on his sweating upper lip.
    talk about lying your way through an interview, that could have been obama or clinton, cruz or sanders.

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