Burn the Whole Thing Down – IOTW Report

Burn the Whole Thing Down


Now, sources say, the first lady has been egging her husband on to further inflame fury among his colleagues.

‘Jill views Democrats on Capitol Hill, the [wider] party, the Obamas, staff inside and outside the White House, the media, and all of Washington DC with such misguided resentment that I can’t imagine she [isn’t] encouraging [Joe] to burn the whole thing down, despite his better judgment,’ an insider said. More

18 Comments on Burn the Whole Thing Down

  1. She considers herself as Royalty. The fawning media probably never told her all the praise they’ve heaped on her, Joe and the administration was pretend assuming she had to know.
    Nope, too stupid.

  2. This is Shakespearean. “Dr. Jill” as Lady Macbeth on steroids. She’ll make sure Dementia Joe’s “legacy” has a worse, more horrible reputation all because she’s vengeful, power hungry and envious.

  3. Too bad the Bidens were part of the Obama faction for eight years. It they had put their efforts into building their own politically moderate wing of the democrat party instead of lining their pockets they wouldn’t be facing political annihilation.

  4. One thing to remember,every one of the pardons leaves an angry victim. The rank and file Democrats won’t remember his actions, but friends and families who feel betrayed will.

  5. Retreating Nazi troops would most often destory any and everything they could. For no other reason than they could. It gained them nothing. The Bidens are no different in vehement, purposeless spite.


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