Breitbart: Barbara Pierce Bush, the daughter of former President George W. Bush and granddaughter of former President George H.W. Bush, spent time over the past weekend in Pennsylvania on the campaign trail for Vice President Kamala Harris as the 2024 election hits the final week before voting. more
fuckin bitch!
a bush is something to piss on or behind
That dumb little bitch wouldn’t be very happy with the wimmins rights that criminal cartels or islamic militants would allow. She must think that being an elite makes her immune to the real world. Someone should tell her bedtime stories about the Ceausescu’s.
I think this is a good thing, now we know where everyone stands. MAGA has taken over most of the Republican apparatus. If the elections go right we’ll own it. The Globalists gotta go some where.
If you made an AI model of the collective brain power of the Bush clan, you could run it on a Kaypro II.
Dang. Where did I put that box of 5¼” floppies?
Endorsements only matter if they come from someone who has respect.
I didnt even know this person existed until just now.
Seems about right.
Uncle Al
Tuesday, 29 October 2024, 17:35 at 5:35 pm
“Dang. Where did I put that box of 5¼” floppies?”
…those were a step UP from the cassette deck my TRS-80 used…it only had 4k (NOT Mb) of memory, but a Bush program would still fit in it.
Sample program;
10 IN A$100
20 IF A$100=”BUSH”, GOTO 666
999 GOTO 666
The masks are off, no pretending now.
Uncle Al – I can fish out my Timex Sinclair 1000 if you like!
… and the cassette deck to store data with too!
Tuesday, 29 October 2024, 17:53 at 5:53 pm
“… and the cassette deck to store data with too!”
…IIRC, that command would be CSAVE.
I didnt include it because a Bush isnt much worth saving…
That picture was very dissapointing to me the first time i saw it. However, it’s always good to know your enemies.
this endorsement is so important to me. I had absolutely no idea who to vote for but now I’m going with the winner for sure!
Looks like a ‘Most Wanted Poster’ hanging in a Post Office!
The Tea Party years onward has made me impervious to Hollywood and Elitist influences. Every bubble has been burst. Shame me or whatever-they can all Ef right off and how. 🇺🇸
What fucking moron.
I, like many of you, was a huge Rush fan and dedicated listener for 20 years. He had me believing in the goodness and patriotism of Bush’s, Cheney’s and Karl Rove.
Well I sure was led astray. Hard to be so disappointed in someone you trusted and admired
Weird how the uniparty has whittled “women’s rights” down to the right to have a ninth month abortion for the sake of “reproductive freedom”.
Strange how “reproductive freedom” doesn’t include living in a society where you can actually afford to raise a child or be able to have time to actually have a real parental relationship with that child without some shitty TV show, pop star, or faggot teacher grooming your kid to be a communist loser.
Strange how the following don’t seem to be a woman’s right at all anymore:
– The right to compete in sports only against other women and not male perverts.
– The right not to have to share your town with unvetted illegal immigrants who come from shit culture where woman are chattel and rape is a “man’s right”.
– The right to speak their mind without losing their job.
– The right to not have their white male children be legally discriminated against by government mandate.
No surprise there. Daddy and grand daddy were all promoting the 1000 points of light.
Ditto. However Rush was no dummy and I’m sure he would have evolved with the rest of us. DJT has ripped the masks off of all the players.
@SNS, @Harry — Unless you ever “coded” by means of plugboards and wires, I think I have you beat in the “ancient computers” competition! Not that I would mind at all being bested in this!
We must remember that a) Ronald Reagan hated GHW Bush, b) The GOP threatened a floor fight at the convention unless GHW Bush was the VP pick, and c) GHW Bush was head of the CIA: Deep State all along.
With his folksy ways and as-shucks smiles, George W Bush used the September 11, 2001 events not to help to protect Americans, but to usher in the Intelligence and Surveillance State apparatus that currently rules us. The Bushes are and were anti liberty progressives long ago.
What pisses me off greatly is that this moron is insulated from her actions. She has lived an insulated and protected life and will not have to deal with the shit she and a lot of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist elites foist onto innocent individuals who don’t enjoy the unearned privileges they do. Shitbaggery is what it is and it is as nauseating as it is what is expected from these subhuman pieces of shit.
Let me guess. Does this born again Idjit want to infringe our right to keep and bear Arms? Her father got this country in the biggest catastrophe since the Viet Nam War, expanded the Surveillance State, supported Hillary Clinton and tried to fob off brother Jeb on us. I’ll bet she believes we are all Deplorable National Socialists.
Ahh The TRS-80. I had a CoCo. That takes me right back to my childhood. I learned to program in the back of a Radio Shack! Never did get a Modem though.
Check out my new laptop… with working a,n, and 2 keys!!! Ill try to keep the coffee out of this one!!!
started on punch cards Uncle Al.
Erb- its easy for satan to dupe honest people
Gee willikers!
This changes everything!
(says nobody except the ever-sarcastic Larry)
Somebody I never heard of endorses somebody I loathe, so now I’m gonna change my mind?
Doesn’t really seem likely.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Delicious irony would be if Hunter Biden endorsed Trump/Vance !
Uncle Al – Haven’t used the plug board method, but I have hardwired digital circuits for functional prototypes. One was for coding and sending IEEE 8 bit words to instrumentation.
I am embarrassed to say I was a Bush supporter and a whole 1990s through 2010s republican supporter, every year a little more bent out of shape about their weakness and incompetence (I thought). Finally the tea party and following activities showed they weren’t incompetent at all, they were on the other side! Mitch? Mitch! Wake up Mitch, she was killed to keep you in line boy, only you didn’t need kept in line did you? I apologize to all of America and to posterity in general for being duped as I was.