Business Owner? Get Out of California NOW! – IOTW Report

Business Owner? Get Out of California NOW!

If you’re a business owner you are doomed in California. The state is going to fail because of the lunatic leadership, and you are going to be who they rob in order to try and save their sinking ship.

Get out now.


SACRAMENTO — California lawmakers are targeting the expected windfall that companies in the state would see under the federal tax overhaul with a bill that would require businesses to turn over half to the state.

A proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment by Assemblymen Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, and Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, would create a tax surcharge on California companies making more than $1 million so that half of their federal tax cut would instead go to programs that benefit low-income and middle-class families.

“Trump’s tax reform plan was nothing more than a middle-class tax increase,” Ting said in a statement. “It is unconscionable to force working families to pay the price for tax breaks and loopholes benefiting corporations and wealthy individuals. This bill will help blunt the impact of the federal tax plan on everyday Californians by protecting funding for education, affordable health care, and other core priorities.”


20 Comments on Business Owner? Get Out of California NOW!

  1. I think it may be time for the U.S. State Department to issue a travel warning re: CA.

    There are way too many criminals released and given sanctuary; plus the insane are running wild within their government.

  2. If you own a business in CA just consider yerself a host for democRAT parasites!
    You will be eaten up. As they run out of Other People’s Money they grab more and more from anything still twitching to satisfy their insatiable appetite for votes from the deadbeat population that they are actively pumping UP with Illegals! They’re on a virtual Venezuelan death spiral!

  3. California will continue to pass lunatic laws in order to get every dime possible out of it’s earners while they are there.
    They will also, I am positive, pass an exodus tax so they can grab what they can as you try to leave.
    Get out now of you can. (If you’re a conservative. Let the progs suffer.)

  4. I think that “Phil Ting” deserves it’s own contest.

    (County Jail)

    “What are You in for?”

    “They caught Me Philting in the Men’s bathrooms at the Airport”

  5. BFH,

    They do come after you when you leave. I was out there a couple years ago for some temporary work. Registered my pickup truck ($400+ ouch!), stayed for less than 18 months, and in the end (read: almost bankrupt), high-tailed it back to Texas. Some eight months later, I received a letter in the mail from the California DMV stating that my truck registration was overdue and they were in the final stages of collections and about to garnish my Texas paycheck for $652… Unless I checked this itsy bitsy check box, affirming that I had in fact moved, signed the form, and sent it back to them. This letter was not forwarded. They knew my exact address.

    Kali Refugee

  6. It’s kinda surprising, really … if someone is neck-deep in a cesspool (or septic tank) that you’d have to tell him to get out.

    Some things seem self-evident.

    But I guess they’re not.

    Free advice: If you’re up to your neck in shit – get out – take a bath – don’t carry the shit with you to, subsequently, re-cover yourself and spread to others (oh, and don’t breathe through your mouth).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @Kali Refugee in Texas… January 21, 2018 at 9:30 am

    It’s almost — not quite, but almost — like being a prole respecting The Rule of Law, any Law, every Law, is always — not really, well… actually… always — a suckers game. Since you never get the secret word that means “We’ll never screw you over again.” Just the “That ‘contribution’ seems enough for us to move along. Today.”

  8. We too received bill from Kaliphornia DMV. Was for boat no longer registered in that state. Again, they mailed bill to known out of state, OREGON, address. We were warned by Oregon DMV that it would happen. Son was transferred from Kaliphornia to overseas base. Gave Kaliphornia DMV forwarding address in Oregon. You’d think a state with 8 or 9 times more government employees on the payroll than can be justified, someone would be able to prevent this kind of stupidity.

  9. Legal theft by the biggest organized crime family class in the country.

    They’re a lot smarter than the a_holes who last evening swarmed through the parking lot at a local shopping center, in fact in front of the Walmart store, busting out car windows to take what was inside. If any of them are caught I doubt I will be surprised who they were. Two friends who were at the center said at least 10 cop cars showed up after the 911 calls were placed. If caught they may go to jail. Government thieves do not. Their theft is mostly legal.

  10. so, if the federal government confiscates less money, somehow the Kalifascists have to confiscate more in order to ‘give back’ to the people they confiscated it from?

    … got it

    they’re running out of other peoples money …. Kalizuela, here we come

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