BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Fowarded An Email Calling Muslims “Sand Ni**ers” In Latest Wikileaks Dump – IOTW Report

BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Fowarded An Email Calling Muslims “Sand Ni**ers” In Latest Wikileaks Dump

Shoebat: The physically and spiritually ill Hillary Clinton, who prides herself on her love of Muslims and Islam and being against “racism” while accusing Donald Trump (and most other people she does not like) of being a “racist” was just caught in the latest Wikileaks data dump calling Muslims “sand niggers” in her private emails:

And what happened when the van reached the Maccabim checkpoint [not far from Jerusalem -tr]? I read in the newspaper that an argument ensued with the Israeli checkpoint commander, and that he refused to accept the patient. Did Omar hear the argument about him from within the van, or did they drag him out of the van and plonked him in front of the commander, replete with catheter, nappy and hospital gown for a rapid overall assessment by the latter? And the commander said no. And yalla! We are on our way again. So they returned to van, and they kept on going. And now the guys in the van are perhaps not quite as nice before, because it is getting late and they want to get back and wonder what have they done to have deserved copping this sand nigger and what are they going to do with him now. If the Maccabim checkpoint rejected him, there was no way in which the Atarot checkpoint will take him. It is now pitch black outside and by the by, while traveling on Route 45, between the Ofer military base to the Atarot checkpoint, a thought or a suggestion pops up.  MORE

32 Comments on BUSTED: Hillary Clinton Fowarded An Email Calling Muslims “Sand Ni**ers” In Latest Wikileaks Dump

  1. Trump and RNC really need to HAMMER Clinton on this. She has disparaged two groups – Mohammedans (see if I give a shit) and blacks (now that pisses me off) – If Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Farrakhan come to her rescue then that itself is proof that these guys are nothing more than race hustlers and are in it for themselves and the Leftist ideology and NOT for their avowed black constituency.

  2. Remember Abraham Lincoln? He used the term often, I am just like him.

    Good ole Abe used to call the people who lived in Hillary Nevada sand niggers because he was trying to free them. I was named after Hillary Nevada because my father was a small businessman and he used to make wallpaper in Nevada. Then ole honest Abe called up my small businessman father and asked if he could put the wallpaper patterns on cloth. He said he could so ole honest Abe moved my father, who was a small businessman, to the little town of Hillary Nevada. That’s where I got my name you know.

    Turns out the only person oppressing those poor sand niggers was DJT. I sure am glad my dad never worked for him. Anyway ole honest Abe and my dad made clothes for them folks and that’s all they needed to be free.

    So you see that’s what I was talking about in the email. Me and ole Honest Abe

  3. She was just quoting Abe Lincoln, or George Washington, or Bill Clinton or some other old guy…

    Sharpton and Jackson will defend her at all costs along with the other corrupt black elites. Million dollar bills matter, black lives dont.

  4. I got no use for the word Nigger. I do have a few black freinds. For the most part I enjoy their company much more than white aquantances. You need to understand I fit really well in that Neanderthal category. But I have no tolerance for pussies, unless I’m grabbing one. I guess U should say any of my ex mil freinds regardless of pigmentation speak pretty straight to the point.

  5. Whoever said it, and Hillary forwarded it, is reaching way back into history. In 1933, Standard Oil got extensive concession rights in Saudi Arabia. The term was used frequently in the Board Meetings. Just ask Walter Teagle. Oh, wait, he’s down here. Never mind. 👿

  6. Error 404 – Page not found!
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    Looks like it’s gone….Hope someone got a screen shot.

  7. Dear Moron: The term “sand nigger” in the email you’ve displayed is a copy and paste of a translated story. You can find the story here, on the translators Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/notes/sol-salbe/david-grossman-why-who-died/10150587146906662/

    Compare this story to the email and even someone dumber than you would have to admit that Hillary DID NOT use that term. Do you have enough character to publically admit you were wrong?

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