CA: Effort Begins to Stop Sanctuary State Law – IOTW Report

CA: Effort Begins to Stop Sanctuary State Law

KFI: A group plans to begin gathering signatures to try to repeal California’s so-called “Sanctuary State” bill that was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown earlier this month.

The Secretary of State’s office said Monday the organizers of the referendum to reverse the effects of Senate Bill 54 could begin work to qualify it for the November, 2018 statewide election.

“This is about restoring the rule of law and protecting American citizens over criminal aliens,” referendum spokesman Ben Bergquam told KFI NEWS. “I think everybody in the state should be able to get behind that.”  read more

16 Comments on CA: Effort Begins to Stop Sanctuary State Law

  1. Not a word from the FEC on the outrageous criminal illegality of this.

    Reince Priebus accomplished his assignment in packing the new Trump administration with establishment Deep State fellow travelers.

    Jeff Sessions comes to mind.
    I think AG Sessions is busy drafting a stern letter “expressing concern”, or something.

  2. The names of those who sign will be released to groups like La Raza and they will loose their jobs and possible have their homes burned down to the ground.

    The only “hope” would be to moblize the demographic groups like The Bloods and the Crips. But even then- do they have the moxie to sand up to the likes of MS13? I ask because I don’t know. If I had to make a bet I’d put money on MS13. What a sad sorry state of affairs when the horror running the streets have been outsourced to illegal criminals. Butchering teenagers with machetes because our Bloods and Crips are just to squeamish to do it for themselves. Everyone who had anything to do with the movie “Colors” should be ashamed of themselves. I’m talking you Ice T & Sean Penn!


    It forces government to obey the law.

    Imagine if armed citizens rallied together every time these dirtbags got out of line, and the police and National Guard STOOD DOWN rather than open fire on their own countrymen, the politicians would rip up every bad law before you even got through the door.

    GUNS KEEP THESE PEOPLE HONEST not petitions and law suits. They don’t respect any of that.

    Founding Fathers knew way better than you ever did.

  4. Why has there not been a lawsuit filed against this? Five minutes after a Trump executive order is issued the left has an injunction against it in court. Yeah, it would be overruled by the 9th circus court, but it least it would make it’s way eventually to the supremes.

  5. Half-Assed-Citizen

    The reason this is happening in California, partly, is because the Feds are letting them get away with it.

    Gun Laws_______Unconstitutional
    Voter Fraud____Unconstitutional

    Where’s Jeff Sessions?

  6. Nice sentiment but if they were serious they would have started the moment they heard about it. Not one signature do they have. I wonder if it was more of a chance to get their names in the paper. If I’m wrong and they get it on the ballot I’ll apologize. As far as La Raza goes while noisy I suspect it’s more of a jerk-off fantasy by a bunch of deluded hispanics. The challenge to the rule of law in California is from the gangs, the drug cartels, the illegals and the Democrat Party. Jerry Brown and most of the State Democrats need to go.

  7. The corrupt demon rats running California will never allow this initiative on the ballot. Just as they changed the rules for getting a measure on the ballot on an ex post facto basis for the gas tax repeal, they will prevent this one from making it to the ballot.

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