CA: Homeless encampments have Malibu residents worried about fires – IOTW Report

CA: Homeless encampments have Malibu residents worried about fires

KFI: Malibu residents say the homeless crisis in their community has been putting their homes in danger. People living in encampments in the hillsides are cooking with portable stoves and over open flames, and that’s a recipe for disaster.

Homeowner Lara Vidaurri said she reported the problem to the police a number of times last year, fearing a fire. She even went out and picked up the homeless people’s trash herself.

On Monday a fire started near the Malibu Library crept up the hillside by her home and torched about 3 acres, forcing her and her neighbors to evacuate.  read more

18 Comments on CA: Homeless encampments have Malibu residents worried about fires

  1. It is getting bad in Malibu. Sanctuary City Malibu. Liberal Malibu. Also being taken over by developers. Not the same as the quiet community I grew up in.
    Nearby, where I now live in Santa Monica, the average police response time has gone from 4 minutes 10 years ago to 33 minutes now, and crime is increasing. City Council members take care of themselves with developer money and let the rest go to hell.

  2. And ya know what? They think the answer to their problem is your money. Every damn one of them will give financial support and their votes to the very party responsible for this mess. If they give up and move away, they’ll bring their kooky ideas with them, phuck up the place they move to.

  3. Several years ago, Martin Sheen, the honorary mayor of Malibu, declared Malibu a nuclear free zone and a sanctuary for illegal aliens and the homeless. That’s very easy to do when you think your community is wealthy enough that no homeless people could possibly take you up on it.

    Times, they are a’changin. Now that the homeless have moved in, it looks like they are being quickly disinvited.

  4. L-C Dan, can you move OUT of the state? Malibu is filled w/loving,caring WEALTHY Communist-Dems, why don’t they pool their resources and build a nice shelter for these people? You know the old saying about money and mouths….

  5. @meyou – I have been thinking about it recently more than ever. I love access to the ocean and have 50+ years of history (despite being 29 🙂 ), but I think that as bad as taxes are now they may skyrocket in a very few years.
    A friend is developing what may be a very profitable business this year or next, and he sure doesn’t want to pay more in taxes than he needs to, plus as a conservative doesn’t like the ‘sanctuary state’ and many other aspects. I may follow him out. If so, I can always visit the beach, even spend a few months a year here without having to pay the taxes.

  6. Of course crime is another issue, as I noted in the first post. As an L.A. County resident I can’t get a CCW. My friend was able to because he lives and works in Ventura County – only issue getting a permit there is the long line ahead of you and all the bureaucratic steps.

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