California: Jerry Brown’s Delta tunnels would triple water rates – IOTW Report

California: Jerry Brown’s Delta tunnels would triple water rates


CPR: Gov. Jerry Brown’s $17 billion California Delta WaterFix tunnels are in trouble over a threat to triple water costs and a federal probe of $84.8 million in illegal payments.

The board of the Fresno-based Westlands Water District, America’s largest water supplier, voted 7 to 1 on September 19 to pull out their $4.5 billion, 26 percent participation in the $17 billion WaterFix, which planned to build two 40-foot wide tunnels stretching for 35 miles to protect fish and divert water from the Sacramento River to the California aqueducts that service the San Joaquin Valley farmers and Southern California cities.

The move followed a July 17 presentation by Goldman Sachs to the Westlands Water District titled, “California WaterFix Financing Strategies.” Goldman apparently estimated that to finance the project, the average cost of water exports from the Delta could rise by $260 per acre foot by 2033. That is two to three times the price paid to the Bureau of Reclamation this year.

The U.S. Department of Interior Inspector General also issued an audit that found that during the Obama administration, federal Bureau of Reclamation financial assistance agreements with the State of California’s Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) did not “fully disclose to Congress and other stakeholders the $84.8 million cost of its participation in the BDCP efforts, including its subsidizing of the Federal Central Valley Project (CVP) water contractors’ share of BDCP costs.”  read more

10 Comments on California: Jerry Brown’s Delta tunnels would triple water rates

  1. Not satisfied with a multi billion dollar bullet train boondoggle. The greedy fuckers know they can sell this money grab because CA voters are just stupid enough to approve it.
    And if not, they will slip it in under the door, like the recent tax hikes and anti-gun legislation.

    This State is doomed. Doomed I tell ya!

  2. Brown’s California is trying to beat Illinois in taxes, waste and corruption. You’re neck and neck Jerry. Full steam ahead, California Voters won’t care as long as the EBT cards keep coming.

  3. “The Delta tunnels project was just gaining steam, and a San Francisco engineering firm had outbid its competitors to win a $60 million, seven-year state contract to help plan the project.

    But officials at the California Department of Water Resources weren’t happy with a manager that the company, URS Corp., had assigned to help oversee the planning process.

    What the state did next was the focus of a highly critical state audit released Thursday. State Auditor Elaine Howle charged that DWR directed URS in 2009 to replace its employee with the president of a Sacramento consulting firm that lacked the qualifications to do the job, in what amounted to a no-bid multimillion-dollar contract that ran afoul of state contracting laws intended to ensure public dollars aren’t being wasted on unqualified firms.

    Read more here:

  4. Jerry Brown keeps a reserve above 4 million, dead, illegal, and incomplete registrations on file so he won;t loose ant election no matter how the vote comes out. He Wins!!! Notice he did not turn over any information to Federal Investigators checking out complaints of voter fraud.

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