California owes Feds $53 MILLION for ‘improperly’ claimed Medicaid reimbursements for noncitizens – IOTW Report

California owes Feds $53 MILLION for ‘improperly’ claimed Medicaid reimbursements for noncitizens


California owes the federal government $52.7 million after Gov. Newsom’s administration improperly claimed Medicaid reimbursements for non-citizens. 

A recent inspector general report revealed that California illegally provided services to “noncitizens with unsatisfactory immigration status” through Medicaid reimbursement. Under federal law, states are prohibited from claiming such reimbursements for non-citizens unless in a medical emergency. This applies to all non-citizens, including refugees and asylum seekers.  more

3 Comments on California owes Feds $53 MILLION for ‘improperly’ claimed Medicaid reimbursements for noncitizens

  1. From the ‘sternly’ worded HHS IG to california:
    “We recommend that California: (1) refund to the Federal Government the improperly claimed Federal reimbursement of $52.7 million…”

    they ‘recommend’ they return the money
    right after the money for their high speed rail line
    that money went to their political frenz and is long gone spent on bling


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