California school changes its name to Michelle Obama Elementary – IOTW Report

California school changes its name to Michelle Obama Elementary

The Hill-

The Woodrow Wilson Elementary School in Northern California will close for extensive renovations and open next year as Michelle Obama Elementary.

“We have the opportunity to have a beautiful new school named after a person who really represents our diversity and values,” Claudia Velez, the school’s principal, told CNN on Thursday.

The proposal — which was approved in a unanimous vote by the West Contra Costa Unified School District Board — is not the first time President Wilson’s name has come under scrutiny.

Students at Princeton University, where Wilson served as president before his White House bid in 1912, protested to change the name of the prestigious Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, but trustees voted to keep the name intact.

Students at a Wilson-branded high school in Washington, D.C., are also petitioning for a name change.

The protests are part of a controversial trend of dropping the names of individuals linked to slavery and racism. Even by the standards of the early 20th Century, Wilson was noted for implementing racist policies. After he became president, he personally took part in the widespread dismissals of black federal workers and the resegregation of federal offices — where employees of different races had worked side by side for years.


via Bullpen

36 Comments on California school changes its name to Michelle Obama Elementary

  1. Why the hell not? Counterfeit SJWs may as well go ahead and publish photos of her in a bikini in Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue while they are making asses out of themselves

  2. Changing it from one racist guy to another racist guy. Fify.
    Better check under the hood.
    Is there one person that even knew of her in high school and where are those yearbooks with all her pictures in it? They don’t exist

  3. Not that W.W. was a good president or anything- but at least he was classy and actually accomplished? What is Michelle but a progressive mouth piece with no substance?


  4. Just like MLK Boulevards all run through ghettoes, then these future B & M Obama schools are ghetto schools. Parents choose wisely — NO ghetto-government schools !

  5. Congrats to Big Mike! Proving that the beasts among us who did nothing to distinguish themselves can get a building named after them.when does Melanie get a school named after her? At least she speaks four or five languages.

  6. Bman
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 3:52 PM
    ‘Their fight song will be Lola by the Kinks.’

    …I was gonna suggest “Dude Looks Like A Lady”, but it…really…DOESN’T…

  7. Bman
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 3:52 PM
    ‘Their fight song will be Lola by the Kinks.’

    …or maybe “Walk on the Wild Side” by Lou Reed…

    “Holly came from Miami F.L.A.
    Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
    Plucked her eyebrows on the way
    Shaved her legs and then he was a she
    She said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side,
    Said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.”

    “And the colored girls say
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
    Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo”

  8. …this DOES open the school teams up for sponsorship from Target and Starbucks, tho, but the teams will only be playing games that involve putting balls in places they don’t normally go…

  9. pbunyan
    FEBRUARY 14, 2020 AT 3:09 PM
    “Michelle Obama: Living proof that your mother was right– your face can get stuck that way.”

    …to be fair, you’d probably make some awful, angry faces too, if you had to keep your cock and ballz duct taped in the crack of your azz all the time, especially if you’re hung like a Yeti and it keeps peeling off at inopportune times…

  10. Was that because their policies were elementary or that only and elementary mind would follow those 2 race baiters over a cliff?

    Jerry Manderin, you are funny as heck!

    Supernightshade, “Hung like a yeti” Made my whole evening!


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