California Secession Campaign Gets Green Light – IOTW Report

California Secession Campaign Gets Green Light

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: We all know this is just a liberal pipe dream. If it was possible for a state to secede from the Union in this day and age we would already be speaking of “The Republic of Texas.”


23 Comments on California Secession Campaign Gets Green Light

  1. The Brown-Shirts are some real ‘legislate first, figure out what it meant later’ kinda idiots – didn’t they recently vote on a health care bill that they have no way of funding?

  2. I would LOVE for CA to leave. Let them turn themselves into Venezuela. It will be justice to watch all of Hollywood fighting over the last friggin’ bottle of Diva vodka and the last bag of quinoa, and to watch San Fransciscans start screaming about illegals over-running the place.

  3. If we were lucky, the Left only obstructs “Rightward” (i.e. TEXAS), but nor “Leftward” (i.e. CALIFORNIA).

    We should encourage every step of their efforts.

  4. The most current information I can find on a quick search is from 2011. That year California ranked second as a state in Military Contracts ans awards. 56.7 Billion dollar that will leave if California splits. Those dollars represent money spent on Military Bases, instillation improvements, housing, etc. I don’t have time to look, but I’ll bet the money spent on commercial contracts is much larger. Boeing, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Etc, GONE. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works in the Bay Area, GONE. The Bay Area is responsible for 45% of California’s tax revenue. Right now electric cars and writing apps for 12 year old girls to use on their I Phones drives that economy. The Electric Car guys have already started moving to Nevada.
    This should be interesting.

  5. Why can’t we have 2 countries? Red America / Blue America. Each has their own president, they own constitution.

    Yeah yeah, I know. The red states would have to build a wall around each state to keep out the criminals / muslims / rapist the blue states would welcome in, just like France.

    How about just letting California secede. No one would really notice the difference anyway.

  6. bb’s right

    boeing for one is shutting down sites such as huntington beach, moving to places like plano tx etc

    check boeing’s stock today, up around 241 at the moment, this is one of the reasons why, smarter business decisions

  7. Let California secede.

    Declare war.

    Re-conquer California.

    Deport all the Mexicans, Central Americans, Muslims, etc. – at least half the population needs to be either deported, hanged, or shot.

    Execute all the Dem/communist politicians, college professors, teachers, ‘journalists,’ Hollywood degenerates, and other communist activists. One-way helicopter rides for bonus points.

    Put any of remaining the welfare class in camps.

    Install a hard right wing military governor.

    Put in a functional educational system, replacing the communist indoctrination system they have currently.

    Wait twenty years, then begin to allow self-rule, again.

  8. Goodbye!
    So Long!
    Auf Weidersehen!

    Don’t let the door hit’cha in the ass,
    As ya wend yer way to Hell!

    Don’t go away mad … just go away.

    California – the State of Confusion.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Czar,

    Lefties won’t come here if there’s no dinero. After it’s said and done some dumb ass politician will be saying “This is California man, the 127 th largest economy of any nation”. Dumber than a box of rocks.

  10. Does the proposition seek succession of the entire state, or just the southern part of California? Much of southern California, including the San Joaquin Valley is arid or desert. Water is already a problematic issue for California, and succession will make this problem worse.

    California has 56 electoral votes which are so controlled by the democrats that no national party even bothers to campaign there. For that reason alone, I cannot envision the national Democrat party even considering this idea.

  11. Wyatt,

    The entire state. But if Jefferson doesn’t want to leave the Republic, what are they going to do? And we have all the water and all the guns. Mean while even southern counties are contemplating joining the movement.

  12. Having been through this bs twice with Quebec the one thing Californian’s that voted for this (as well as Quebecer’s) is that if California can secede from the Union then parts of California can also secede from California itself and choose the remain in America. It’s when they realize that is when the extreme whining begins and reality rears it’s ugly head. Twice the Quebecois tried this and twice they came close which meant that huge swaths of Quebec could remain Canadian including all the native reserves (they had a blackmail scheme of their own running at the same time) and all of northern Quebec. Let the Californians go ahead and try but get your own groups going in tandem that will declare a state of Jefferson in northern Cali and anywhere else the people want to stay. What they’ll end up realizing is it’s only the major urban centers and leftist schools of learning that are choc-a-bloc full “intellectuals” and/or illegals and groups like RAZA that want to walk. Hell, let them, just make sure you seal the new borders, give protection to the new states that want to stay and cancel the passports of the people that stay in the new country of “Oh Fuck!”

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