Californians have a new red state on their radar as they flee crime and oppressive taxes – IOTW Report

Californians have a new red state on their radar as they flee crime and oppressive taxes


Move over Texas, Florida, and Tennessee, by the thousands, Californians are relocating to Arkansas and Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is not surprised.

The Republican governor says the reason is simple: People are “just tired. Tired of the lockdowns, tired of the crime, tired of the preening politicians who won’t do anything to address the real issues they’re facing.”

In an opinion piece published by Fox News, Sanders addressed the reason why Arkansas “has received a steady influx of new residents for years.”

“Today, there are thousands of California refugees – and thousands more from other states – in our state,” she wrote, noting that “about 32,000 new people moved to Arkansas, about 10% of them from California.” MORE

24 Comments on Californians have a new red state on their radar as they flee crime and oppressive taxes

  1. And thus do locusts spread their destruction.

    Like a virus lysing from the cell it destroyed to infected many others until the entire host body is dead.

    Like an aggressive cancer metastizing into formerly healthy organs until all are ruined.

    …there are exceptions. but by and large it is the same as with international immigration. The people that caused the problem flee the problem they caused, and bring it with them. Few are interested in anything but self and want to remake their new home into the familiar, and so it goes.

    This is deliberate on the part of Democrats.

    My neighborhood was ruined by poverty and fecklessness and crime that had been incubated in the projects, then spread along bus lines so the city dwellers could repurpose valuable real estate. The want they spread brings generational poverty, with mothers only able to teach their children what they know to survive as in getting benefits and committing crimes, and so are conditioned to see any place that curtains either as an existential threat to their own and their children’s livelihoods.

    Such then vote Democrat as they literally know no other way to live.

    Entropic systems only go one way.

    Only after it explodes can it ever be reformed.

    And until then, the good will be pulled down by the bad, it can never run the other way in any government of Man.

    And this pattern will persist as it always has and always will, until the Lord of Creation himself ends it.

    Nothing else ever will.

  2. Once you compare the migration to the invasion going on across our southern boarder you develop a more skeptical attitude. Be mindful that it may very well mimic the spreading of a cancer. It’s hard for me to be optimistic when I’ve experienced firsthand what happened to Colorado.

  3. They are fleeing the ramifications of their ideology, but most will bring their ideology with them. To welcome them without thoroughly vetting them and shunning those who are seeking to bring what destroyed California to your state is suicide.

    Don’t do it. Satan is a murder, a liar and a thief. Don’t invite Satan into your lives. Don’t trust a word they say, consider only their actions and judge accordingly.

  4. Flock to wherever, politics change every 4 years. We have a Demoncrat for President, and probably Newsome will be the next, and he’s worse than Biden. Tell me again how it’s working out for conservatives who relocated to an ever changing political climate. I have a relative who moved to Florida with the notion that they’re going to flip houses. Can’t wait to see how their endeavor goes.

  5. @JD Hasty: To welcome them without thoroughly vetting them and shunning those who are seeking to bring what destroyed California to your state is suicide.

    Vetting them? This is a free country. You live wherever you choose to live. How would that vetting be carried out? Communist do that sort of thing.

  6. @General Malaise

    Ohio just became the 7th state to codify a right to an abortion. It turns out that people LOVE abortion. They want no restrictions. None. Not the tiniest little imposition. Montana voters just rejected a law that would have merely required life-saving treatment be given to babies accidentally born alive during an abortion. That lost, 53% to 47%, and this is a red state.


    I’ve mentioned this before, not sure about the constitutionality but it is a fight worth having; All red states should have their legislators amend the state constitution that mandates a 5-year moratorium on all new state transplanters from voting in any state election. After 5 years you get a flavor of “red” living, the low taxes, the friendly people, the safe streets, and a current of morality that flows within the communities that make living there pleasant and desirable to others.

    As a California moving to a red state, I would welcome such a restriction, knowing that this is a state that cares about its culture and will remain that thing that attracted me to it in the first place.

  7. General Malaise
    WEDNESDAY, 8 NOVEMBER 2023, 11:12 AT 11:12 AM

    “FUCK YOU!

    …to the people in Ohio who voted for this!”

    …the big cities carried it, as usual.

    I didn’t vote for it.

    No one I know did either.

    We just got out voted by urban areas.

    As usual.

    …but mostly, blame the 19tj Amendment.

    It’s really, really important to young women to be able to kill babies.

  8. “Tired of the lockdowns, tired of the crime, tired of the preening politicians who won’t do anything to address the real issues they’re facing.”” But not tired enough to fix it in their own states.

  9. Rich Taylor => GoldenFoxx,
    Was just thinking the same.
    A newby arrival should NOT be allowed/able to vote in local/county/state elections until 5 years after moving in. And the newby arrival must show proof of length of residency to be registered to vote in local/county/state elections. No “motor voter” registration, no automatic anything.

    Unfortunately, can’t do a thing about FedGov voting.

  10. SNS, when you look at the voting maps you clearly see that the big cities are in fact running the country.
    It’s a shame really that so many in cities are so blind as to where they are actually taking the country. They only see their own “benefits” and not any long term consequences.

  11. Like I always say when the Cali bashing starts, you guys ran out of Californians to blame a long time ago. You’ve been doing it for ever and there’s just not enough of us to go around and some of your states are as bad if not worse than Cali. Washington and Oregon are two examples. I see a shit load of New York plates here right now. A few Florida. Quite a few Washington plates. An occasional Texas and Idaho plate. This morning I spied a Quebec plate. What you’re actually experiencing is Libtards moving from one state to another to another. It just so happens their last state was California. The end result is the same. And a 5 year waiting period is a great idea. If I need to wait 10 days for a gun they can wait 5 years before they screw up a state.

    Cali born and raised
    Bad Brad

  12. “SNS, when you look at the voting maps you clearly see that the big cities are in fact running the country.”

    Very true, we need an Electoral College at the state level. 8% of California land mass controls the balance of the state.

  13. @Rich Taylor and President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist: Problem is, I have a Constitutional Right to vote. As a conservative, I’d never vote to take that right away from anyone regardless of where they came from. People get transferred by their company to another State, and you want to take their right to vote away? Ohio is a conservative State, and look what the “conservative” voters did, they voted in one of the most egregious sins against mankind. As a conservative, I’m not happy about what they did. It’s just another sign that we’re getting closer to the Second Coming. That I welcome.

  14. @Goldenfoxx

    Nowhere in The Constitution does it explicitly guarantee or grant the right to vote. Some believe that the right is implicit, embedded in the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and others argue that the right does not exist.

    I mentioned above that there would be constitutional challenges, but The Constitution, in the form of the 10 Amendment, does reserve the right for states to make their own rules outside of those enumerated in the Constitution.


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