Call For Kamala to Step Down Met with Stiff Resistance – IOTW Report

Call For Kamala to Step Down Met with Stiff Resistance


Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker is calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to step aside. The media is terrified of the ticket that they’ve supported for the last three years.

Who exactly do they think is going to come riding in to save them? Michelle Obama has made it clear that she has absolutely no interest in running for office. Parker’s column is raising quite a few eyebrows. More

14 Comments on Call For Kamala to Step Down Met with Stiff Resistance

  1. I could honestly see them offering her a supreme court spot if something happened with the wise latino’s health. Of course she’d be the worst SCJ ever, but they wouldn’t care. It would be a way to move her away gracefully, and so what if it hurts the country


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