Canada: Boy Dies After School Takes His Asthma Inhaler – IOTW Report

Canada: Boy Dies After School Takes His Asthma Inhaler

AmericaNow: Ryan Gibbons was only 12 years old when he died from a severe asthma attack during recess at school. He would have simply reached for the prescription inhaler that he always carried with him, but his school took it away and locked it in the principal’s office.


As Ryan gasped for air, his friends picked him up and carried him to the office where his inhaler was held. But they couldn’t get there in time. Ryan passed out before they reached his potentially life-saving medicine. He never recovered. The date was Oct. 9, 2012.

The bill that she wants lawmakers to pass is dubbed “Ryan’s Law,” in honor of her son’s memory. The proposed law would force schools to let kids who have a doctor’s okay carry inhalers in school, in a pocket or backpack.

Gibbons says that her son often brought a spare inhaler to school with him for exactly this reason. What if he couldn’t get to the principal’s office in time? But over and over, school officials took it away.  more here

h/t Bob

19 Comments on Canada: Boy Dies After School Takes His Asthma Inhaler

  1. Hold the head of the person or persons responsible underwater 1 inch from the surface until they drown.

    Then revive them. Then do it again.

    I pray for the poor parents who’ll have to live with the results of someone else’s indifference.

  2. Yep ….. we definitely need more government bureaucrats (teachers in this case) and regulations to prevent kids that suddenly can’t breathe from having immediate access to medicines that can literally save their lives. These cases clearly illustrate why I and many others have very valid reasons for despising what “government” has become at every level over the last three decades or so.

    These “teachers” are clearly more worried about their jobs than the very lives of the children that are forcibly held under their tutelage. Let the sick child die if there is any possibility that another child could somehow access the medicine that can save the sick child’s life in an emergency.

    Yet we’re supposed to believe that government run health care will be a stupendous success for most Americans. This poor child is a perfect microcosm of our future healthcare once it is completely controlled and administered by “government” if Hitlery wins this election.

  3. The progs thought their confiscation
    logical and reasonable. That is the
    way they always “think” ; just
    “obeying orders” just like the Nazi concentration camp guards that they really are.

  4. The principle and who ever else helped murder my child would be dead meat after I went off the rails. When are free people going to assert their manhood/womanhood and bust those interfering assholes bubble and their faces
    And when also are free US citizens going to read and enforce the tenth amendment. This child died due to the interference of the goddamn federal gov’t. sticking their noses where they don’t belong. States rights folks, states rights. Feds = murderers plain and simple. Grief/pain/trouble.

  5. For Starters, if Mom was called multiple times about his inhaler being taken away, then she knew what kind of environment she dropped her son off to every day. My sympathy is for the boy.
    The number of times that school would confiscate the life saving medicine in the inhaler of Lazlo the Younger: Once.
    Then either the damn inhaler stays in his right front pocket, or the boy will be schooled where it can be.
    Maybe like my dining room table.

  6. Canada under the Left has become a tragic warning to us.
    Yes, an educated civilized free and English-descended democratic people can be reduced to Soviet-level servitude.

    All it takes is for the Left to be tolerated while it infiltrates and captures the schools, media and government.

  7. Vietvet said “Too bad Canada outlawed the death penalty.”
    At first I had to agree, till I realized that Canada DOES have the death penalty. They have the death penalty for 12 year old children with asthma!

  8. Canada’s elections are administered by a federal agency. Europe mostly does the same thing. I think this is a major cause of their advanced stages of idiocy, of brain-dead zero-tolerance for common sense policy.

    Just ask yourself: “how conservative would America be, if the elections were administered by bureaucrats from Washington D.C.”? Our “civil servants” profit from turning everything to scheisse – as long as bigger govt. is the answer to every problem.

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