Canada: Federal Climate Alarmist Law Ruled Unconstitutional – IOTW Report

 Canada: Federal Climate Alarmist Law Ruled Unconstitutional

GP: In yet another political defeat, the Liberal government of Canadian Globalist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has seen their climate alarmist policies overturned by the country’s supreme court.

In a Friday (13) decision, Canada’s Supreme Court dealt a blow to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government as they ruled that a federal law on the environment is mostly unconstitutional.

The Impact Assessment Act (IAA) is designed to measure how major projects – such as coal mines and oil sands plants – impact the environment.

The Supreme Court decision is a victory for the provincial government of Alberta, Canada’s main fossil fuel-producing region. more here

3 Comments on  Canada: Federal Climate Alarmist Law Ruled Unconstitutional

  1. A lot of YOUNG MOTIVATED PEOPLE are moving out to Alberta after seeing what Justine Turdette’s Inflationary & Greenie policies have done to the Cost of living in Onterrible, Qweerbeck, & their Shitties Like Toronto & Montreal.

    The Fuckwads deserve the Brain Drain versus the Westerners attempt to attract talent.



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