Canada: Ottawa had its coldest snowstorm in 100 years – IOTW Report

Canada: Ottawa had its coldest snowstorm in 100 years

Ottawa residents awoke Saturday morning to find themselves living in the coldest capital city on Earth, about 20 degrees colder than Moscow and Helsinki, even edging out Ulan Bator, Mongolia, by a degree.  MORE

16 Comments on Canada: Ottawa had its coldest snowstorm in 100 years

  1. joe6pak

    Now why would you do that to Loco? LOL. Locally the Sierra Ski Resorts are reporting the best snow pack in 50 years. But the guys with the big ass pipes that measure snow pack are reporting another borderline drought. Hmm, whom to believe.

  2. lost of homes to keep warm up there. I went through 31-35 below one winter and many 20 belows. Im in AZ now and it will only drop to 38 above zero. Nice. I did just hear the furnace kick on though. I will go turn it off in honor of those shivering qbeckies

  3. We have a genuine rain/snow event going on here too.It’s going to be a long time before we have drought conditions. I like the rain, I tell everyone here, it keeps 50 million Californians away. Not you of course, we have room for you.


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