Canadian Doctor First to Diagnose Patient as Suffering from “Climate Change” – IOTW Report

Canadian Doctor First to Diagnose Patient as Suffering from “Climate Change”

Tatum Report: According to The Hill, in a British Columbia, Canada hospital, a doctor has officially diagnosed a patient as suffering from “climate change.” Yes, a medical doctor seems to have exchanged his patient’s chart for a political agenda.

Pandemics of mass hysteria appear to be flourishing. First, mass hysteria is driving the CCP virus exploitation, which has led to apparent mass psychosis. And this has caused unwarranted societal fear and anxiety, such as in Seattle. Now, aside from the virus, leftist-defined climate change is also causing additional mass hysteria.

Dr. Kyle Merritt, an ER doc in Nelson, B.C., has extrapolated this past summer’s heatwave to arrive at climate change causes to diagnose a human’s medical condition. While climate change is a scientific study, radical leftists have usurped the discussion and turned it political. MORE

22 Comments on Canadian Doctor First to Diagnose Patient as Suffering from “Climate Change”

  1. Given that is not an official or acceptable medical condition no insurance will pay…oh wait, it is Canada, so the government will pay for that ER service. So ridiculous

  2. 2 years ago I did a service call for a former high school friend. She was a lawyer, who married a doctor. 2 of their 3 air conditioners were no working properly. Think about that. 2 of 3 when many people do not even have 1. The guy who put the last one in disappeared after 3 months of being paid. I fixed the New unit and the Top level units.

    2 weeks later I see the Husband (the doctor) being quoted in a newspaper article blaming Ontario Conservatives and claiming that The medical system “Needs more Funding” Both of them were very heavy socialists despite clearing well above $100 Grand per year.

    Guess what I told them when they called this summer…

    “I’m sorry, we are only doing video conference service calls & not seeing customers until after the Pandemic as residential air conditioning is not essential.”

    My dad has been waiting for 3 years on a knee.

    Way to many people sitting on their asses getting paid to NOT WORK.

  3. That MD had a real dilemma because up till now cause of death/sickness was covid. Since covid is not the sickness du jour anymore they have to come up with something.

  4. Actually, that’s medical malpractice he’s suffering from.
    As long as everyone is willing to indulge in all these fantasies people want to believe about themselves, this bullshit will never end.


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