Caption – IOTW Report



60 Comments on Caption

  1. Double, double toil and trouble;
    Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

    Fillet of a fenny snake,
    In the cauldron boil and bake;
    Eye of newt and toe of frog,
    Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
    Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
    Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
    For a charm of powerful trouble,
    Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

  2. The Grinch look….

    No one quite knows the reason.
    It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right.
    It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
    But I think that the most likely reason of all,
    May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
    Whatever the reason, His heart or his shoes,
    He stood there on Christmas Eve, hating the Whos,
    Staring down from his cave with a sour, Grinchy frown,
    At the warm lighted windows below in their town.
    For he knew every Who down in Whoville beneath,
    Was busy now, hanging a mistletoe wreath.
    “And they’re hanging their stockings!” he snarled with a sneer,
    “Tomorrow is Christmas! It’s practically here!”
    Then he growled, with his Grinch fingers nervously drumming,
    “I MUST find some way to stop Christmas from coming!”

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